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Advice needed on whippet puppies


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Hi all

My whippet pup, Piccolo, is 9.5 weeks old. She seems to be doing well and I have no particular worries about her. However, I was wondering whether any whippet owners could let me know at what age their whippets (especially female whippets) started calming down a bit. I don't mean 'reached full maturity', but more, when did you notice that they'd become a bit easier to live with i.e. sleeping a bit more, hardly having any toilet accidents inside etc?

I don't think Piccolo is abnormally energetic - she seems like a normal puppy - but I suppose I'm just interested as I'm on my own looking after her :) (She is getting plenty of socialisation however.)

Many thanks
Hi i keep whippets and yep they're energetic! My boy's settled down a bit between 6-9months girls are the same . My 21 month is still like a baby full off naughtiness lol
Once they get their jags and go for walks it does help. Plenty off training and stimulation tires my pup out. But i understand they just keep going, my boy sleeps right through but he has my other 2 to follow and keep him right!
You'll get through it and have a well behaved dog at the end. :)
Thank you very much :) That's good to hear. Yes, it will be really good to be able to take her out for walks and I hope that tires her out more. She is a little zoomy machine :)
If you can, carry her out in a carrier, sling or even your arms, before her second vaccinations - it will massivey help her confidence if she experiences all the new sights and sounds from the safety of being carried and she is at no risk from contracting anything nasty.
If you can, carry her out in a carrier, sling or even your arms, before her second vaccinations - it will massivey help her confidence if she experiences all the new sights and sounds from the safety of being carried and she is at no risk from contracting anything nasty.

Hi - thanks :) I carry her 2 or 3 times every day outside, either around the local area, to the vets, or to sit in the car for a bit (I must look like a loon!)
Brilliant! So many people don't, but it gives them such a good start. I got well and truly lambasted for suggesting it to someone a few months ago, so it's good to hear the practice is catching on.