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Advice needed on my aggressive dog


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our 2 years old kelpie/husky cross that we recused as a puppy, has over the last 3 weeks got aggressive towards dogs, she has been in season over the last 4 weeks, this is the 3rd time she has been in season but this time it has been a lot worse. I need to know if the behaviour is due to her season or that she is getting more aggressive. We are having her done in about a months time. Any advice welcome xx
Hi Claudine, and welcome to DogForum.

I've met loads of bitches who are intensely dog aggressive when they're in season but who are sweetness and light when they're not in season. For the vast majority of them all that you need to do is get them spayed to make sure that it doesn't happen again and then do your normal socialising to get her back down to her background levels.

I know that officially it doesn't happen, but I can tell you from experience that a really big proportion of GSD bitches turn into stroppy madams who pick fights with other dogs (particularly bitches) while in season, so if it happens with GSDs then it happens with other breeds too. In the last year I've assessed at least half a dozen of them for rehoming after the other dogs have been seriously injured by the fights.

Keep her segregated until you're sure that her season is over and then lead walk allowing very brief 'meet and greet' pauses with other dogs (very brief only) until she's spayed. Then you'll have to take a couple of weeks out for her to heal and when lead walking is the norm, so leave your major socialisation practice until after she's healed and then start with parallel walking, lead walking near to other dogs and all of the other desensitising activities to bring her back into being a friendly girl :)

Take a deep breath and hold your nerve- you're already making the decisions to change this around :)