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Advice needed, dogs burnt looking testicles after kennel


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Hi, I have two dogs which have been in a kennel for 3 days and now have black/Red swollen testicles which seem to be sore, phoned and asked kennel if they knew what would be wrong as they can't really sit, they say its cause they sat on concrete and some dogs have reaction and there's nothing that can be done but bath them and they will clear, I do have pics, but does anyone here have any clue what it could be and what I should do (it has only happened at this kennel never at any other one). Thanks
Ive never heard of this but i think id be off to the vet asap.. could u put the pictures up ? black /red and swollen sounds more like an injury??. are both dogs the same ??..maybe it could be cleaning fluid ?...keep us updated
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