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Adding Special Items Gifs Etc...


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Since the new board setting I cannot add special items gifs etc Helpp......

I am pressing the browse box....then adding ....then posting new topic and my items are not showing up

what am I doing wrong please?? is there a section on here that shows you how... Ive never had trouble before.
I am pressing the browse box....then adding ....then posting new topic and my items are not showing up
That's what you need to do... Just browse for the file you want to upload, click the upload button & wait until it has been uploaded. Then Add Reply. I assume you haven't exceeded your 5Mb global upload limit & the file you're trying to upload is less than 300kb?
Just testing Nigel....

yes its saying Ive used more than my do I delete files then to start again...
how do I delete files then to start again...
Go to 'My Controls' & menu item 'Manage Your Attachments' on the left hand menu under 'Options'. Select the attachments you want to clear out & delete them.
Well Ive deleted some files...and at the bottom left hand side it still says

Attachment space used 52.49MB of 4.88 MB

Attachment system ready....

but it is still not allowing me to upload anything.. :wacko:

It is saying Upload Failed...the file is larger than the available space...
(w00t) Testing testing..

blooming nothing again...
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(w00t) think it may have worked.. spoke too soon... :wacko:

Sorry I just cant figure this out at all...
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