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Adams New Camera

Margaret Mc Stay

New Member
Reaction score
Adam, the pics are lovely, and very well taken. Good luck with your new camera. John took a lot of pics at Tullylish, but I do not know how to up load them on to k9. I have saved them to my desk top, can anybody out there give me instructions on how to get them from desktop to k9 .

Margaret Mc Stay
Margaret Mc Stay said:
Adam, the pics are lovely, and very well taken.  Good luck with your new camera. John took a lot of pics at Tullylish, but I do not know how to up load them on to k9. I have saved them to my desk top, can anybody out there give me instructions on how to get them from desktop to k9 .
Margaret Mc Stay

Try photobucket :thumbsup:
yes photo bucket is the best
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