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Acting oddly


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Hi all

Just wondered if anybody has any suggestions about Milo, hes really not himself this week.

Every time we go to put his harness and lead on he literally cowers on the floor like somebody is going to really hurt him :( hes also being really clumsy, skidding across the floor, he wont let me touch him without flinching and hes crying a lot for no reason. It's upsetting that hes suddenly scared of something but I cant figure out what it could be?

Any suggestions?

i would get him to the vet tommorrow morning, he sounds poorly to me, but it could be any number of things, best to get him checked over, fingers crossed for you both, its terrible when there is something wrong, and you don't know what, try and make a list of all his changes in behaviour to take in with you, all the best,

hannah xx

it could be something very simple that is causing him a only tiny bit of discomfort, but making him act funny, so try not to worry, :)
Milo sounds to me as if he is in pain not scared, I'd take him to the vet in the morning and get him a good check up, I say this because my old bitch had very similar symptoms and it turned out she had injured her neck and was trying to guard it from further pain by flinching and skidding as she was uncomfortable walking properly. A few weeks rest and pain relief was all she needed.

I hope everything is ok with Milo and that he is back to normal really soon xxx
Vet straight away tomorrow......

Let us know what they say xx
Hi everybody.

Took Milo to the vets and they could find nothing physically wrong with him! They said his acting oddly might be due to the fact that my husband has recently started working shifts (he only did it at the nights when husband wasn't home) but if it continues to bring him back as it might be something else triggering him.

Thank you for all your advice and kindness

Vicki xxx
Good - i am glad they didnt find anything sinister - its always good to get peace of mind....

Maybe something just spooked him?
aaaaaw bless him, thats good news, let see if cheers up a bit as he gets used to the new routines, :)