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Julie D

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for ages we've thought there may be a mouse under the kitchen floorboards

this evening Ella suddenly scrambled across the kitchen floor to where we think it comes in.

OH decided to get a humane trap tomoz

I've just gone out there and the bloody thing is getting cheeky as we're all downstairs but it's braving coming out when there's some noise and guess's not a cute little field mouse...............

IT'S A RAT !!!!!!!!!!

I saw it's back end sticking out of the hole and the tail was about 7-8"long

we're not dirty ..honest :b what's the best way to get rid, obviously poison is out of the question with having a dog, but I don't care if it's not humane I WANT IT GONE :angry: :x
(w00t) buy it some pjs and it wont mind going out in the cold then :lol:

:oops: sorry couldnt help myself ,um rat trap sounds good idea thou :D
Arghhh,i don't envy you that predicament (w00t) :x

We have a rat lurking in the garden at present & are going to have to set a trap for it as i too don't want to use poison as i would be too scared of the dogs catching the damm thing :eek:

I caught one with a trap last year that's just like a huge lethal mouse trap,but for god sake be careful when setting it as the trigger spring is so strong it could easily break your fingers :sweating:

Oh the joys of living in the countryside :blink:
OMG! If you got one rat, you got his whole bloody family in close proximity.

Apart from leaving the dog loose so he/she can kill the thing, see if anyone close to you on here has a trap, bait the bugger then kill it.

Failing that get in touch with the council ASAP before the vile creatures get in and have a field day.

I Loathe them - the fields round about us are abound with them at the moment as well. I cant even take my shotgun out to blast the buggers as where they are is right by a school. Yooiks!
nicky12 said:
(w00t) buy it some pjs and it wont mind going out in the cold then  :lol: :oops: sorry couldnt help myself ,um rat trap sounds good idea thou  :D

(w00t) can just see it in tiny pj's :x

seriously tho' there are no obvious holes, all concrete outside, it may be coming in thro' next door (semi) we have the old unused railway-loopline at the end of our garden.

As for our whippet catching it...I'd rather she didn't, think of all the germs.

Remember when we were surprised to find a pile of Ella's food hidden away under the sofa ? might have been the rat then...stockpiling it :x :x
Julie D said:
:angry:   I won't sleep a wink tonight :angry:
Poor be just the same, would me feel sick the though of it

running about the house

I hope you manage to catch it soon
we get rats now and again in my dads fishing shop , they have all the goodies they can eat in there and because its empty at night they have a field day :rant:

we have caught them in traps and can also leave poison down because no animals go there .

with the trap leave it un sprung for a few nights , then the rat will think it is safe then you can set it , so bye bye rat :D

good luck , they are vile creatures :x

p.s i love pet rats :D but wild ones are just full of disease :x
:eek: We had a rat in our shed (seemed to be using it as a run as it had made a hole in and one out) our dogs knew it was there but I thought it was a cat they were after :blink: The terriers went beserk trying to get it but I was worried in case they got bit so we used a trap and caught the bloomon thing! :x We only ever had the one though. If you think there may be more then I would ring pest control :thumbsup: :luck:
Mmmm, rats are notoriously hard to combat apart from with very strong poisons, which you won't want around with your dogs. I would say get the Council or Environmental Health, Pest Control people in. They will do the job in one go and get rid of all of them. My mum had to do this as they were coming round the house where she was putting food out for the hedgehog!! I think is was the pest control man came out and killed about 7 of them - she thought she only had 1! Good luck.
Yuk :x :x They're revolting things and can be vicious if cornered so be careful Ella doesn't get to it. But they like to live and eat in a clean environment so that's why they're coming to your place :)

If it's coming in under the floorboards then the safest and most effective way to deal with it is get some Neosorexa rat poison (blue granules) and put 3 or 4 scoops of it into a plastic carrier bag then tie the carrier bag into a reef knot so that the poison is secure. Maybe make up a couple of these.

Then take a floor board up and put the bags under the floor. The rat(s) will love this as they think they are nicking something by chewing through the plastic and then feasting on the poison!!!!!

They will go off with full bellies and die in their nest :D

I hope this will work for you - I use this method every winter in my stables and have been rat free for several years now (I put the bags behind things so that my other animals can't get at them).

Good luck!!! :luck: :luck: :thumbsup:
My cats often come in with half live rats.. (w00t) but my dogs make short work of them.. sorry... :- " dont last long in here...
:lol: .............Well........................

KILL THEM.... :blink: :- " I wont let them eat them....but they would if they could.. :lol:
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there's now a rat trap with....chocolate on it and all other escape holes have been filled, just waiting to hear a snap and squeal :( :- " then OH can pull the plinth back and check it out.

It's chewed thro' the wire flex behind the plinth that leads up to the central heating timer :angry: what else it's done is anyones guess.

We'll have to lift the floorboards in the dining room, which has morphed into a play room and is about to be decorated as a teen room, more work :angry:
HURRAY! 2-3 days after the trap was set, it was caught, OH reset the trap but no more prisoners as yet....let's hope he didn't tell any of his mates where to get a good supply of kibble ! :- "