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A&t Miners Club Racing

wild whippies

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Just a note to let folk know Club Racing is back on from 6:30pm. :thumbsup:

Any early birds who can give Keith a hand setting up would be appreciated with it getting dark early at the moment :thumbsup:

Any enquiries feel free to ring me on 07852 328020 Vicky's not on K9 at the mo but can also be contacted on her moby.

See you later :thumbsup:

Jac x
We will be down at the track tomorrow about 2.30pm if anyone wants some trials.

Good night Wednesday, everyone had as many runs as they wanted and their were some impressive times clocked.
Racing/Trialing tonight from 6.30pm onwards :thumbsup:
A fairly good turnout last night considering it's 3 days from Champs and most runners are wrapped in cotton wool.

Trials for Avit, Moonbound, Jenny Taylor, Miles Away, Maid u Run, Midnight Maid, Mo Carlin, Whiskey Fudge, Gingerbred, U Choose, Make it Four. 2 retired Greyhounds had a run up and then we had 7 or 8 pedigrees that all had trials.

Hopefully next week we can get some dogs times in and start our handicap.

Best of luck to all our members competing in the Championships over the weekend :thumbsup:
1st June 2011

Moonbound Sc

Jenny Taylor Sc

Mo Carlin Sc - 8.82

Midnight Maid Sc

Make it Four 1 - 8.72

Miles Away Sc - 8.40

King Coal Sc

Maid u Run Sc

Whiskey Fudge Sc - 8.77

Gingerbred 3?

Twisted Sister Sc - 8.59

Mad Jack 1 1/2

U Choose 8.68

We had about 12 pedigrees that all sorted races amongst themselves, some youngsters just learning the ropes against some of the older more experienced dogs just having a blowout.

Congratulations to members who ran at the recent NNWRF Straight Championships with 7 Champions!!! for our little club in Tony's Bobby Dazzler, Ken's Boybelle, Keith's Anagram, Our Maid u Luck, Mo Chara, What's Your Rush & Hunkie all gaining their Nch title along with runner up's Push the Button, Floless and Megapixel.
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