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A Plea to Yvonne & Tony


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It's probably fair to say that, along with certain members of the BWRA top table, the pair of you have caused more damage and distress in whippet racing than anybody in its history. Having been at the receiving end of your bigotry and malice (remember Xstasy at Devon), I find it very difficult to find a single ounce of sympathy in my body for you. That said, the arbitrator in me wonders why the BWRA has punished you if their policy is still 8% and under is allowable. But perhaps that rule has since been amended, I do not have the latest rules. I do know that I and others tried for years to alert you to the unworkable and unfair nature of your NWRF rules, this with guidance from the top greyhound veterinarians in the country, yet you decided to blunder ahead in your own fascist way. And now you complain when your own rules don't suit your personal situation.

I listened to Jan Ambrosini still crying on the phone a year after her ban because of the treatment she received from the BWRA and the members who snubbed her. I saw Jane Poole lose 2 stone in weight through distress after an innocent Xstasy had her title stripped for the presence of theobromine, a substance that the British Veterinary Association president says has no effect, comes from a bowl of cocoa pops and is virtually unavoidable in a house pet. That same substance has been removed from the banned list of some enlightened authorities, such as the New South Wales Greyhound Association, and yet you insisted on zero tolerance. Not happy that Jane and Xstasy were already suffering an unjust one year ban by the BWRA, you singled only Xstasy out in a field of about 150 dogs in Devon for another test, and despite repeated requests didn't have the decency to publish her clear result in Whippet News. You banned Irene Cunningham for the same harmless xanthines, without even allowing her to see the lab report or defend herself. Worse, you printed in Whippet News that 'other substances were present', without informing her or the readership what these were 'supposed' to be. Because, quite frankly, I don't believe there were any other substances, I think Irene's bitch won without the aid of anything illegal, and I even believe that one of the reasons you won't hand over the NWRF books is because this will be found out.

So what is the point of this posting? Is it simply to gloat? No.

You have an opportunity to start the healing process in whippet racing. This drug testing has ripped the sport to pieces. They say it's christian to forgive, but I think the transgressor has first to ask for forgiveness.

So I ask you to admit to us all you were wrong with regards to your doping policy. Apologise publically to all those you have hurt. That will do a lot towards healing very deep wounds. And maybe the whippet fraternity will look upon you with a little more compassion.
WELL SAID Mark.....I do not for one moment believe Jane would give her dogs anything to enhance their perfomance.........except hard work and to why Tony and Yvonne resigned no one knows, as far as i am aware the BWRA tollerence level is still 8%.......but seeing as the NWRF has a zero tollerence level i presume it is because they have broken their own rules :oops:
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I have to totally agree with Mark as far as Yvonne, she claimed to know alot about drug testing as i proved in her letter she published in Nov 98 whippet news ...most of it is rubbish, its not fact.

Besides Irena there was also Julie and Steve Batson that i know were targeted by Yvonne, because Julie saw something at Devon that Yvonne didn't like, 4 months later they were banned, without seen a scrap of original evidence.

I also find since there positive test they don't like to be called cheats , yet its been okay for Yvonne to repeatably verbally call and insult other in public places ...its not nice when the boots on the other foot it?

The best thing i can see is that now Yvonne and Tony have resined and a new committee had to be put in place , that they both cooperate with Don Syson and allow him to collect the NWRF stuff that members are allowed to get on and race there dogs ....seen as Richie's good friends with then both and passes on messages , maybe he could please have a word with Tony about the best time for the gear to be collected Don doesn't seem to of got much sense from Tony when he rang him
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hi im a new member would someone answer a few questions about what i have heard on the track. if the new committee are using the same fed books and the same name how can Denise Bailey be on the committee :angry: when Gary and Denise are suposed to be bared. I wish Yvonne and Tony all the best for the future and hope the new committee will put as much work and commitment in as they did. ive raced whippets for over 30 years and have never seen so much bad feeling as there is today. If drug testing is going to cause as much ill feeling why does it not be abolished altogether we raced for many years whithout it and there was probberly people using then. O for the good old days of Measham and the early days at Old Hall
If you came in to k9 properly and read all the posts instead of just coming straight in asking question that have been answered to many times ,then you would know why i am on committee ..gaz how ever is not.

And how can we use

same fed books
when they refuse to give anything back .....
answer me a question woody have you ran with the fed alot of years and were you a paid member up to 2003?
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The NEW FED can't use the same books woody :angry: because they have not had anything returned, DENISE BAILEY was voted onto the committee by the members present at the meeting ......why should she have been barred ??she never did anything wrong............ I will say that Tony and Yvonne have worked very hard and have in the past put on some really good opens...... but we have to move on so :p

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Hi All

I'm only involved in pedigree racing, but have read some of your posts regarding the recent problems in Non Ped racing. :( I hope the new committee will bring a breath of fresh air to your racing ;) - we had similar problems in pedigree racing and the WCRA a couple of years ago, it was being run by dictators who just wanted to spoil the sport for others and make trouble :angry: - thankfully they all resigned when they couldn't get their way when they wanted to cause trouble for me :cheers: We now have a brilliant committee who work for the racers, and try to improve the sport for all concerned. :) A new brush sweeps clean as they say - it certainly worked for the Peds, so lets hope you will all move forward as we have, and get on with having fun, healthy competition, and friendly rivalry. Good luck to you all. :cheers:
Thanks June i am sure the new committee will do there hardest to get the NWRF back running the way it used to be, and let people start enjoying themselves again :D
I only asked a question I was not having a go. I didnot say I agreed that you should of been suspended . I also didnot say Gary was on the committee ,He is a worker as far as we have been told which is not very much. Yes i have paid my subs every year since George Wigfield and founder members started the Fed 2003 has been the only year i have not paid my subs due to the bad feeling that has been going on all of last year. I was one of the first people to organise the first Fed open in the North East all those years ago.I hope the new committee can bring its first class statues back to what it should be. good luck to you all. Sorry i ment to say registration cards not book :oops: .
hello woody, i was at the meeting and there were three workers volunteered and voted on........they were Ricky Bentley, Rick Clarke and Bruce Bellwood....but everyone i am sure is welcome to help out so that we can make the NEW FED just like the FED of years gone by.......Good Luck to All :p
I just want to see racing brought back to how it used to be too...

Thanks Jojess for answering my question. Everyone hasnt got a pc or internet connection This is the first time i have used the internet so im a bit rusty.Some People at the race track where i race rely on other people for information so thats why i joined K9 to try and update them as much as i can Its hard when racers can not afford to drop everything to attend meetings way down the country. Once again thanks for your help. WOODY
DEE its preety clear that tony doesnt want to hand the stuff over no matter who asks for them so i dont think it would make a difference if i asked for them do you :wacko: :wacko:
Richie do you agree that he should not hand the stuff back to the new nwrf it can continue to race ...

i only asked you to ask him , as when ever i do on here he doesn't reply ...
everybody knows my opinion dee

it is a shame that things have come to this tho cos theres too much shit,backstabbing,lying ...etc....thats one of the reasons i went into ghds

hope you all get it sorted sooner or later :wacko: :p
woody said:
if the new committee are using the same fed books and the same name how can Denise Bailey be on the committee :angry:   when Gary and Denise are supposed to be bared.
Hi all Teriann here,

As far as i gartered dad was given a verbal warning at the members meeting in front of 60 members , i dont for one minute think my mam should have been banned. :rant:

I dont go racing much as i am usually busy do other teenage stuff, but have notice the fall in people racing over the past 5 years, could this be to do with drug testing and banning people for saying what they feel is the truth, why not strip the dog involved of its statues and fine the owners, :angry:

The way i see it there will not be any whippet racing left if you all cannot decide to stop fighting and start enjoying you sport again, :- "
That Terri-Ann is a brilliant idea.... :p

strip the dog of it's title and fine the owners instead of banning the owners this will allow for any innocents on the owners part??



A meeting was held tonight to discuss the future of the N.W.R.F.

It has been decided by the committee that, due to the continual accusations to wards us as a committee, we are no longer prepared to give up our spare time, hard work and expense ( REGARDLESS OF WHAT SOME OF YOU MAY THINK) to run the Federation events.

You the members now have time to pick the Committee you would like to run the N.W.R.F at the meeting called by Gary & Denise Bailey on January 18th at Ashfordby.





