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A little training issue.


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I think this is a training issue rather than a diet issue but has anyone successfully trained their other half not to mix up raw dog food and raw human food when stirring the contents of the freezer while searching for gawd knows what? I cant tell the difference between some of the packages, they look the same and were previously kept in separate sections for that reason. So, is feeding it to him VERY wrong, and if so would it be P- (depriving him of human food) or P+ (feeding him dog food)? Do I just have to seriously consider introducing a vegetarian diet? And if so, what is a good veggie diet for dogs?

I do hope someone can help me. Thank you in anticipation.
Use different coloured freezer bags for dog and human food.
Good idea! They already come pre-packed from out butcher (human and dog) but no reason i couldnt put dog packs into another bag which could of course be reused. That said, feeding Mr F dog food in retaliation for messing up the freezer has its attractions!
What a wicked thought Jo :rolleyes:
We are lucky enough to have separate freezers for dog and humans, but the different colored bags for human meats is what we use just as a precaution.
the different colored bags for human meats is what we use just as a precaution.

Blimey, that's hardcore - I just feed chicken, lamb, duck, fish...:eek:

We have a chest freezer with a divider down the middle. One side is Jasper's, the other side is ours.
Blimey, that's hardcore - I just feed chicken, lamb, duck, fish..


We have a chest freezer with a divider down the middle. One side is Jasper's, the other side is ours

That was more or less my technique too - a separate drawer for T's stuff. Until Mr F decided to rummage. The best laid plans ...
Sorry, I was not very clear:oops:
That is only if the two products have to share the same freezer for any reason.