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A Little Clarification


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I was hoping someone may help me clarify something. My girlfriend and I have a stunning 3 month old whippet pup. As far as we know, his father is purebred and his mum 3/4, therefore he obviously doesn't have KC papers etc.

I'd love for him to be able to do some lure coursing or even racing as it's great enrichment.

What would most clubs policy be on letting him on the track or run after a lure? Do they insist on KC papers to even simply take part?


Archie (16 weeks.)

Pop along to your nearest Non-Ped club, you'd be made most welcome :thumbsup:

With his ped breeding he's unlikely to be as quick as a lot of non-peds but some clubs run time handicaps and/or make allowances for peds (a few extra yards start etc.) and he'd probably be able to race at game fairs etc. with the lurchers.

:luck: in finding a club to take him to and for when he's older and can start his training.
I was hoping someone may help me clarify something. My girlfriend and I have a stunning 3 month old whippet pup. As far as we know, his father is purebred and his mum 3/4, therefore he obviously doesn't have KC papers etc.

I'd love for him to be able to do some lure coursing or even racing as it's great enrichment.

What would most clubs policy be on letting him on the track or run after a lure? Do they insist on KC papers to even simply take part?


Archie (16 weeks.)

:unsure: If you look at the Track Postcode topic at the front page of this forum, you will be able to find your nearest track, where you'll be given all the advice and help you need to get your lad chasing. Good Luck! :thumbsup: :wub:
he's so cute you will be made welcome at any of the non-ped clubs what area are you in
he's so cute you will be made welcome at any of the non-ped clubs what area are you in
I'm in Oxford.

On the suggestion of another poster, I'll check out the clubs via the postcode finder and go from there.

Thanks very much for the feedback.