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A Jack Russell That Needs To Be Socialised.....


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Hi, I have posted before about our 2 year old JRT whom we recently adopted from the RSPCA. He has basically spent most of his early life shut in a garage so people (men in particular) and other dogs scare him to death but he shows this by being noisy (squeaking, barking etc) and has on a couple of occasions gone to nip. Having spoken to the RSPCA they suggested we muzzle him when we take him out so that way we can go up to other dogs knowing he cannot hurt them but I am still fearful of taking him out. This upsets me as I so want to give him the life he deserves but when I do take him out I am just on edge all the time of who we are going to meet and what is going to happen when really I want to be taking him for great walks and runs in the countryside where we live and enjoying it.....if anybody has any advice please as to how me and our gorgeous dog can overcome doesn't help when people look at you as if you cannot control your dog and it is your fault he is the way he is!!!...many thanks.
I have never used muzzles but I think if it were me I would also consult a behaviourist - I think the RSPCA mean well but it all depends on who you speak to and how competent they are?

How is he is the home?
I agree. You need a behaviourist - who can help you establish a better working relationship between you and your dog ;)

In show circles there is a saying - 'it goes straight down the lead'. Basically, if you are nervous, you make your dog nervous. At the moment you are inadvertently teaching your dog to be nervous and aggressive when you and he spot potential problems. Once you have been given the tools to manage situations you may encounter on your walks, you can be more confident, and your dog can rely on you to be the judge as to how to tackle encounters on your walk :)

PS - ignoring other people and their opinions is essential :D You have done a fantastic thing in rescuing a handful of a dog instead of taking the easy option. Take a deep breath. Make your dog sit, and if you feel the need to apologise, don't! You can EXPLAIN that he's a rescue you're training, and you'll usually be met with congratulations, sympathy, or good tips :thumbsup:
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You have keep walking past other dogs confidently and giving him a warning signall to stop any bad behaviour. You also have to be confident or he will sense your nerves and be nervous too! Keep repeating and I am sure he will get better but it will take time.