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A Few Questions......

Martin Tucker

New Member
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I have just received a video of the recent Championships which I really enjoyed watching. I used to race the `Pedigree` Whippets 25 years ago before moving to Ireland with my parents.

However, I would like to ask a few questions. I was greatlly amused to see everyone walking up the track before the race. Are the dogs in the traps at that time ? This didn`t occur in the Pedigree racing and apart from calling ones own dog, is there any point in this ? Surely this puts more strain on the dogs if this is the case. If the dogs are chasing hard, the owner at the pick up shouldn`t make any difference to the dogs performance. Perhaps this is tradition, but surely in a sport that has become more `professional`over the years, ie: feeding, vitamins and equipment etc, this practice, apart from seeming very time consuming should perhaps be discarded ?

I look forward to reading the replies explaing to me the pros and cons of this. What happens at bend meetings, do the owners still walk up the track.

Regards, Martin Tucker. (Hopefully becoming an owner of a Non-Ped racing whippet in 2005.)
most people shout for their own dogs for there own benefit, nerves, frustration ect, they walk up the track to collect their dogs only and only one person to one dog is allowed in the B.W.R.A and the Fed. i,m sure you have shouted at the t.v when your favourite football team is on and such, they can,t hear you either but it gets it off your chest.

:p Martin I know I will be criticised for what I am about to say. Yes, the dogs are left in the traps whilst the owners walk the track. Personally, I think it is hell for the dogs as the owners are shouting at them the dogs are going mad in the traps, clawing at the fronts etc. some suffer split webs/toe injuries. Others have people yelling at the dogs by the traps and some times this can be very off putting for other dogs. Some dogs are worn out by the time they start the race through frustration. Think, the dogs is being called, he/she is "locked" in the trap can't get out until the traps are opened. Aren't we all nuts/barmy. Bend racing they are all left to their own devices as the owners have to stay BEHIND the traps and go to the trip to collect their dogs. You do get the odd few whistle blowers, but thats another way of calling. :oops: I have seen the way the pedigree whippets race and personally I think that is the way the racing should be conducted. If the dog is trained correctly there should be no need for the owner to walk the track - only collect the whippet at the end. This should rattle a few "cages" you asked for opinions well this is mine :p :oops:
I can't remember properly but wasn't not walking the track brought in at some point? Or was it just proposed? I know it either didn't last long or was thrown out.

Your comments are interesting Martin, yeh thinking about it, it does seem stupid, i know my dog goes mental in the traps but because it's the same for everyone i've never really felt handicapped because of it.

I'm not so sure about what the current ped racers think about walking the track but i know a lot of them feel stongly about their current method of not being able to shout their dogs as they are racing.

Can you really imagine our lot if a dog got disqualified because the owners were shouting them on? :lol:
Yes-It is very time wasting Martin-but not everyone has someone else travelling with them to collect their dog at the end of the race, we actually do-but its now part of the race routine-we only let the dogs go with someone else at the end when its a solo run to save time.

Personally I don't shout of my dogs as i am walking up the track-only when they have been released which is probably pointless anyway-as you said the dog should be concentrating on the lure not the owners calling.

If 'catchers' at the other end were ever offered/introduced to save time though I wouldn't like it-as I wouldn't want anyone else picking my dogs up-

Karen Boyd
:D glad u enjoyed the video martin :thumbsup: ok in ped racing am i right in thinking that 1 person loads the dog whilst another one with an extra lead is over the line? as karen said sometimes there will only be one person to race the dog. as 4 the shouting personally i think it all adds to the atmosphere lol :lol: imagining us lot being totally quiet when our dogs r racing. i also personally believe when i shout 4 my own dog he does actually try harder. i have saw and heard this on another video (english derby) where he is getting beat then somebody shouts GO ON ZAK!!! to which he does put his head down and go on to win. maybe it was just a coincidence but i believe he runs faster when i shout. :thumbsup:
i too would"nt like anyone to pick my dog up at the finish, what would happen if a dog managed to get his/her mussle off and the person you asked to pick your dog up was"nt quick enough its not a responability i would like :)

i like to be responsable for my own dog not someone elses :thumbsup:
At the BWRA Straight champs this year, I could not put my dog, Guess Who into the trap's or catch him at the end, due to my back problem's. As Guess Who is a funny wee git and can bite and scream at stranger's picking him up, I asked the only other person who knew him well enough to do this for me Val with Biddy. I would never ask anyone other than Val or John to pick him up as he can be nasty. My other dog Guess When,,,well ask anyone at Kirkcaldy how he is,,,thank god he wears a muzzle :D
As a peddie racer I must say that you non peddie lot seem to have a great deal of fun at your races :thumbsup: ......After being head kennel hand at a Greyhound racing kennels where you can call any dog on whilst its running, then I must admit that being unable to do this at a peddie open takes alot of the enjoyment away (even though we do allow "ragging" as its called at our club racing :oops: ).....

As for walking down the track with a dog left in the traps, this would work for ALL of mine as 2 of them would become sooooo wound up that they would certainly hit the lids :D ........and my other one (the over attatched one) would know where i was :thumbsup: ........As for who's trapping or picking my lot up then .........The 2 really focused ones don't care wether a complete stranger traps them, and as these two fight over and lie down on the lure, then they don't care who drags them off either :lol: ......My other one can be trapped by a stranger but needs to have me down at the finish or she'll run off to find me :b
Someone else picking mine up at the finish would not work - someone tried it with Blaze once - by the time she'd done ripping them to shreds with her claws and batting them round the face with her muzzle they vowed never again. Kerri is not the bravest of dogs either - I think she would almost die of shock if someone she didn't know came to collect her, especially if it was a man.

As for the shouting debate, mine are like Carole's - Kerri can accelerate like a bat out of hell when she hears me shout (and the longer she is in the traps and the more worked up the better she comes out) when nobody shouts her she is at least a good 3yds slower - still doesn't win though. Blaze is just mental for me anyway, ever such a jealous dog. I find shouting her down the track encourages her to run harder and keeps her focussed on the lure which she thinks she is chasing for my benefit. She is a nutter in the traps no matter what, but when I turn to shout her at the bottom of the track she stops stock still in her trap waiting to be released.
hi martin how did you like the tape i sent you hope to speak to you soon peter with show three
Hi Peter & Michelle.

Many thanks for the tape. I certainly enjoyed watching it. The only time I got to watch it was when the wife and kids were in bed !! Have been racing most evenings lately so haven`t had a chance to ring and thank you. Will give you a call shortly.
