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A Few Lurcher Questions


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I have a few questions regarding lurchers. Firstly what is the deffinition of a lurcher? i thought it was a greyhoud crossed with a sighthound but different places say different things :wacko:

Secondly does anyone know of any lurcher rescues near staffordshire?

Finally has anyone ever had a collie X greyhound because i friend of mine would like one (pet only) and i know people who have have/had collies and people who have greyhounds but ive never seen if they make a good cross of they are for pet only purpose.


also ive seen a lovely saluki X greyhound X collie on greyhound gap website does anyone know where greyhound gap is located or do they use foster homes? :)
Try looking at the Lurcherlink website.
lol the old 'define a lurcher' question eh?

Some people define a lurcher as any sighththound crossed with something else

others as a sighthound crossed with a pastoral breed

and others say the sighthound in question has to be a whippet or a greyhound

I go with definition #1

(2 sighthounds crossed together is a longdog :thumbsup: )
whippets said:
I have a few questions regarding lurchers. Firstly what is the deffinition of a lurcher? i thought it was a greyhoud crossed with a sighthound but different places say different things :wacko:
Secondly does anyone know of any lurcher rescues near staffordshire?

Finally has anyone ever had a collie X greyhound because i friend of mine would like one (pet only) and i know people who have have/had collies and people who have greyhounds but ive never seen if they make a good cross of they are for pet only purpose.


also ive seen a lovely saluki X greyhound X collie on greyhound gap website does anyone know where greyhound gap is located or do they use foster homes?  :)

Right, i'll try and answer your questions in the order you asked them.

1) a Lurcher is a cross between a sighthound and any other breed, except another sighthound as this is classed as a longdog, as someone else as already said.

2) I've owned and worked several collie/greyhounds and find they suit me and the work I do with them, or they did prior to the ban.

Could I ask the reason your friends are wanting one ? as these dogs are bred to a job and have endless amounts of energy and intelligence and if they're not allowed to continually use these in the way they want to, you could end up with problems. One of the reasons why theres a lot end of them end up in rescues is because a lot of people don't know how to deal with a dog thats nearly if not as intelligent as them.

My advice would be leave this cross where it belongs "Working".

A chat with any of the rescues if they know their dogs correctly should match the right dog to the right owners.

I hope they find the correct dog for them.


thanks :thumbsup:

Could I ask the reason your friends are wanting one ?
To be honest i dont know the details about why i was just talking to him this morning and because im addicted to dogs i thought id do a bit of research! I think the main reason is because he is a very active man who like going for long walks and bike rides etc ashe is a very `outdoors` kind of man :) and for a while he has been on about wanting a greyhound but he also likes collies as well due to their obedience so he said he was thinking about a collie X greyhoud so he could have the best of both (theroretically) i dont know how serious he was being though it was probably just a idea that came ot him :)
I' d call a lurcher a cross bred running dog- it varies according to the context and it' s really not all that important for most purposes.

Try the Evesham Greyhound and Lurcher Rescue site - they are good people and will advise on matching dog and owner. They have foster homes all over the place, not just Evesham.

Old blue eyes is 100% right about collie crosses- your friend may well find this type of dog difficult as a pet- stick to dogs that are mainly sighthound blood or even retired greyhounds as pets- they are much more chilled out. Greyhounds are probably the kindest and most easy going of all.
This is my current Greyhound/Collie, actually he's 3/4 greyhound 1/4 collie.

As you can see he's a powerful looking dog and not the sort of dog you'd want developing behavioural problems.



I would say it all depends on the dog.

Some crosses have the greyhound brain and collie stamina, some have the collie brain and the greyhound stamina! I have seen the dog you have written about on greyhound gap forum and they are in stoke on trent. He is lovely and i did think about him myself but not what i am looking for at the moment... ( i live in a little tiny village on the other side of wolverhampton)

You can be sure that any lurcher will need more exercise than a greyhound whatever the cross. If your friend wants a grey then i would go for the grey. You are more sure of the traits that way imho...

Although if he wants to go on long bike rides then a grey would definitely not be a good choice...

A springer would be a good choice if he wants a dog with lots of energy!! Collies need ALOT of stimulation and rules. I know of alot of collies who ended up doolally because they werent given a job to do and rules...

I think the best bet is to read up on the seperate breeds that will be crossed with each other and see what traits you may get.... Although i didnt do that with my lurcher sometimes if you are unsure of having any dog its best to read up on them. On the other hand some of the best dogs are ones in the rescue centre that you see and just have to have then and there... You end up going in for a boxer and come out with a whippy x!
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