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A Few Birdie Pictures


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Unfortunately taken through the window but I thought they weren't too bad! :thumbsup:

Collared dove


Jonah has spotted it! :-


A few more of the collared dove




A little robin :wub:


A new bird species! (w00t)

Great pics :thumbsup:

We have birds like that unusual one in the last pic here (w00t)
i love the dove :thumbsup:

that last one looks like it would have a job to fly ;)
Great pics :thumbsup:
We have birds like that unusual one in the last pic here (w00t)

I don't know how he got there - we've just bought a metal pole which I wouldn't have thought he could get up, so he must have jumped from somewhere - they are very clever. :blink:
fab pics :) i like the robin one the best
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Lovely photos - I particularly like the Robin. :wub: :wub: I love watching the birds in our garden and put food out for them , but recently we have been having a less pleasant visitor to the bird feeder - a RAT. :x :x
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I like the one with the dove about to take off... :thumbsup:
I like the one with the dove about to take off... :thumbsup:
Yes, I like that one too Clair. It would have been a much better photo if the window hadn't been in the way though! ;)

Lovely photos - I particularly like the Robin. :wub: :wub: I love watching the birds in our garden and put food out for them , but recently we have been having a less pleasant visitor to the bird feeder - a RAT. :x :x
I used to have the bird table in the little garden/yard at the back of our kitchen. It was a lovely place for watching the birds and well away from the dogs. But then I saw a rat eating the food which was a bit scary, so in the end I decided to move it round to the front garden. :thumbsup:
great pics :thumbsup: i love the robin one :wub:
Really nice Gillian, love the dove and robin too...and the squirrel of course.. :thumbsup: