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A Christmas Game

flamming heck thats hard it goes to fast i never got one :b
Only got 2 Lady P :blink: :sweating: :sweating: :teehee:
Had another go , 18 this time. Lady P :thumbsup: :sweating: :sweating: :sweating:
had one go got 27 - but considering high scores are 270 + I only got 10% :lol:
(w00t) got 18 first time and 23 the 2nd time !! manic or what (w00t)
Ohhh that sent me cock-eyed :wacko:
I only got 20, told you I was rubbish :lol:
29 how do people get 200 odd (w00t)
oooo 64 it help to know you can click the houses more then once at a time :thumbsup:
Well I got 21 but looking at your scores maybe I am about average for a K9er. I blame my mouse :eek:

Good job I am not Father Christmas
Tee Hee I only got 20...I`m hopeless at those games !!I`ll blame my mouse aswell !! :- " :- " :- " :- " :- " :- "
I got 11 dont loje that one im no good at things like that :(
26 for me,sent me a little bog eyed too (w00t)
Blooming heck I must be tired...I got 10 :blink: :blink: :lol: