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8 days and counting!

Diesel's Dad

Active Member
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Hi All,

Brief intro as I'm sneaking a few minutes puppy research while at work...
Just 8 days to go before our first pup Diesel (white boxer) arrives, we met him at 5 weeks and the breeder sent a picture 1 week later and he appeared to have doubled in size! He comes to us at 8 weeks 1 day old a week on Friday.

This weekend will be final puppy proofing of the house and enjoying probably our last long lie-in for a fair while!

Welcome, and congratulations on your impending arrival!

Puppy proofing will be an ongoing job for some time - every time you think that all your possessions are safe, he'll find something else he can destroy!
Thanks both. I'm sure I'll be posting lots for advice over the next few months!
welcome @Diesel's Dad and congratulations on your new arrival!

Yes you better wave goodbye to lie ins :D:D:D
Welcome :) Such an exciting time! Hope all goes well.
Thanks everyone for the words of welcome and encouragement! Been nearly 30 years since I had a new pup so probably a bit rusty!

It’s like being a kid waiting for Christmas!!!
Congratulations, you must be so excited!
I absolutely love Boxers, I grew up with the breed and white ones are so gorgeous. I hope you'll show us some pictures when he arrives :)
Wishing you the best of luck
A belated welcome. Looking forward to hearing how things go!
Just noticed this thread!
Welcome ;) And congrats on the new pup!
I have a coworker with a boxer nad heh talks about him constantly! they seem like such quirky high energy pups! best of luck to you! i'm sure he'll be delightful!
I went to see my friends new Stafford pup last week on God he was adorable. He had just eaten and His little pink belly was massive. I could have eaten him I have pupper envy.
Home today! He was amazingly calm on the drive home and slept most of the way.

Been very curious as you’d expect so we’re introduce him to one room of the house each day.

So far the score is 50/50 toilet accidents Vs saves which is better than I’d hoped!

Only funny thing is that he won’t drink water from the bowls we bought him. Maybe it’s the water, maybe it’s the bowls? Will talk to breeder tomorrow and ask what she used.

Sleeping now...

I’ll start a diary post tomorrow.