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6pm And The Sun Is Still Out!!!


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cant believe it its 6pm and the sun is shining such a change from the dark nights weve been having,

seen as wev lost an hour im i forgot all about the time so kids are starvin :oops:
tut tut...........come on get those kids fed ;)
I hope we have more of that funny thing in the sky.

It's so good to feel it warm on our backs.

More please. :D
7 pm and still out here :thumbsup: Had lunch outside today - bit different from yesterday
The wind was a bit chilly here but it felt as though Spring had arrived at last. The earth smelt fresh and the birds were having a good old sing this afternoon. :D
We've still got another bloody week of it before we can put the clocks back.

It's still dark here at 7am in the morning :(
6.30pm and John is giving the back lawn it's first mow of the season!!!

We are heading in the right direction, hopefully it wil be no more SAD syndrome for us all now :thumbsup: