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6 month old puppy messing crate at night.


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We have a 6 month old male jrt. He is full house trained in the day and always asks to got (apart from the odd accident that has been down to us not being vigilant) at night is sleep in his crate with a puppy pen around it. We put a puppy pad in the pen so if he needs he can go to the toilet in the night. We are trying to faze this out but it is not working. We have been taking him out for a really late work and closing his crate door (as we were advised he would not mess his own crate) for the last 2 nights but when we have woken in the morning him and crate are covered in poo. So we are going to have to go back to leaving the door open as I don't think this can be a very nice experience for him. Is this about right for his age and dose anyone have any idea when he will be able to go the whole night?
First of all well done withe crate training! Its such an excellent training tool when they are puppies and a great place for them to feel safe and snuggle up in their bed.

May I ask where you keep the crate?

He could possibly be a little anxious hence the messing in his crate. It might be worth while, popping him in your bedroom for a couple of weeks (crate door locked) and then when he whinges you will need to take him outside to do his business then pop him back in his crate. This will mean no messing in the crate and you will be able to gauge at that point if he is slightly anxious or whether the toilet training hasnt quite taken hold yet.

If it is just general whinging then ignore him; if he is crying then take him outside to go to the toilet.

After 2 weeks pop him on the landing for 2 weeks (again crate door locked) and repeat. Then finally pop him back downstairs where he was to begin with.

By then he should be less anxious and getting used to sleeping through the night with no messing!

I must add that when you do take him outside in the middle of the night, then pick him, no fussing, pop him outside give him the command to go the toilet, praise when he goes and then scoop him back up, again no fussing and straight back to his crate. if you let him out by himself he may think its play time and start bombing round the hosue and no one wants that at 3am in the morning!

I hope that helps and let us know how you get on.

Sophie x
Hi Sophie,

Thanks for the advice. He has been in the bedroom since Monday. I'm sure it's not anxiety as we played a lot of crate game and he goes of to sleep no problem. However he has woken us up at 4am twice to say he need the toilet so think that all night was too long for him to hold it in and we couldn't hear him crying from the other room. So will move him onto the landing with door open so we can continue as we have this week.

Thanks again, Lottie
Wonderful! Some puppies take longer to sleep through the night without going to the toilet.

Keep it up and if you need any more help, this site is a great place to come!!

Sophie x