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3 Minutes In The Life Of Tala


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Sorry its so dark and noisey :b

Good Grief she's a bloody nutter aint she, right pain in the arse lol...Kaya had the right idea I think, keep your head down...its enough to put me off another...she's dominant isn't she, likes to be on top!!

I can see she is just how you love them!!! She is gorgeous...and such a character! :wub: :wub: :wub:

and your others are so patient!
Oh, you've got a right one there :lol: :lol: :lol:

.......... and that's with regular exercise!! (w00t)
She's a little monkey :thumbsup:

Kinda like her though !!
She's brilliant, I love her :lol: :wub:

Your other dogs are so tolerant, I don't think mine would cope with such a livewire. If I ever start getting puppy-broody I'll come back and look at this to remind me why I don't 'do' puppies :lol:
So now you can all see what life is like with Tala :lol:


And i have to admit she's better than what she was,

she calmed down a bit and will come for a cuddle

now and again :wub:
I feel tired just watching her!! LOL. She looks lovely, though :wub: :wub:
Tala seems like a right little nutter (w00t) :wub: :wub:
omg AG im feeling sorry for you (w00t) what a pup she is,poor sada looks like shes ready to leave home :lol:
I thought that was fairly normal behaviour for a whippet pup, which is why I'm always at pains to remind folk who are looking to get a pup (w00t) :teehee:

Made me laugh though to see how your others coped with her; one just looking out of the window, one ignoring her, and one seeking distraction with a plastic bottle. :p
I don't think any of them liked what was on the TV (w00t)

Put something on they like and you will have no problems :thumbsup:
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A live wire is an understatement :eek: Very cute though :wub:
(w00t) she certainly is a live wire :teehee:
What is all the fuss about?

Tala is calm and a walk in the park compared to the Todmiester

Just off to rescue ANOTHER sheepskin slipper!

My slippers live in their own drawer at the side of my bed. Toddy has just figured out how to open the drawer (Grrrrrrrr)
:lol: What a character, so adorable :huggles:
I love your vid of Tala, mainly because it makes me feel so much better that someone else has got a Gracie! :lol: She walks over people, dogs or cats as though they weren't there and if she wants Tilly to play, she literally pokes that long, pointy nose in Til's face until she gets a reaction or will deliberately do something to push Til's buttons (and boy does she know how). :wacko: It's the joys of having a confident, looney 11 month old I suppose - wouldn't change her though! :wub: :lol:
brilliant ann my poppy was on my lap listen to that and was going mental at the screen :teehee: