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2006 Bwra Straight Champs; Mark Two

john m

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In finding that the straight championships cannot be run at certain venues this coming year, another alternative would be to reinstate the regional run offs.

Splitting the membership roughly in to two area’s and having a run off where the first two went into the championships would mean that all three days would be a first class turn out and also not so much travel for everyone to attend a regional meeting.

Those who then went through could have the run offs in one day, 64 dogs should be easily catered for without the expense of towing a caravan or an overnight stop at a hotel etc. It was a system that worked fine in the past and I am sure it could do again.
good idea, but like the w/e away, i take these as my jollys. how sad is that but whippets take more looking after than kids so they always come with us. 8)
John said:
Championship weekend was always a bit special to me it was a chance to watch the best dogs in the country race for a title and part of that fun was being camped on the track and being part of the build up and the atmosphere and for that reason we should be trying to find a track as central as possible to all racers who will be able to accomidate camping. If we cannot find a central track the alternatives are a track in the north or a track in the south but that surley would have an effect on entry's. So maybe the answer is to hold it on one day at first I was against this but as a one day event I think that most central tracks would accomidate us. But in my opinion the only way to do this is to reinstate regional qualifiers as to have anybody turn up on the day would be a nightmare for the people running the event and the need for a programme as small as possible mainly due to early nighfall would be required. We could run it like it used to be the winner and the runner up in each weight group etc through to the championships for a chance to get their title. It would take a bit of work to make sure that dogs were not moved to another region to make sure that they qualify, yes I know seasons, injury's etc will have an effect but we now have to look at all options. I don't see why we are looking at camping away from the track to drive there after all the event would be just as big the only difference would be the camping side of it but the same number of people could be there with their dogs and the same amount of vehicles and where would they go if they were not allowed to park on the field as in my opinion more would turn up for a title than at a normal open. Regional qualifiers could be the answer to a lot of racers turning up to camp so would the Asfordby club be willing to take us back then with only those who qualify,the committee and worker's being allowed to camp on the track with maybe camping allowed from the Saturday racing on the Sunday with a open on the Monday with all campers off after the racing on the Monday.
I mentioned the same in this post on 04/10/05 John and maybe it is something to be looked at but Scotland is a region on its own and should not be dragged into a region in the north of England (no offence to any of my fellow racers in the north of England) for the sake of regional qualifiers.
tanglewood said:
Hi Folks George here as Scottish B.W.R.A. Secretary I would like to say that Kirkcaldy w.r c. would be happy to play host to next years championships we maybe a small club in comparison to some but we do have shower and camping facilities , our track is good and we posses our own photo finish, we also have a venue to hold presentation all we really need is good behaviour from ALL participants. We are prepared to hold Champs on the familiar dates, I know this is maybe a further than usual distance to travel but feel that maybe it is the most viable option available. If governing bodies feel this is a workable option can they please get in contact with me as soon as possible.
Thanks George

DavidH said:
good idea, but like the w/e away, i take these as my jollys. how  sad is that but whippets take more looking after than kids so they always come with us. 8)
We all like our weekends away but so far only one club has came out and publicly stated that they would take them.
John as you have now got the Scottish Championships run in Scotland---- it would make sense just to split the whole of the country in half North /South you in Scotland dont have enough dogs and we in the north west dont either to warrant regional run offs ---therefore what John Meades is suggesting makes sense in order to get a decent turn out at all events also saving unwanted costs to all concerned /Clubs /regions/member/.

Can not see why you would object--wherever you run in order to gain your tittle you have to beat the best in that class--unless you are as many in the past ---quite content just to win your own regions run off----

This used to be quite popular but then clubs such as Lancaster / Preston /Barrow /all in north west had 70/100 dogs running on a regular weekly basis ----and just getting the top club dog compared to getting a title today when it came to the amount of dogs you had to beat.

When it came to the regions run offs if your dog was not the fastest at your club many would not or could not go ----some due to cost --some would know they had no chance due to times --some were not that bothered and just liked club racing -- some simply had the lack of transport it was nothing like today--

At Lancaster we used to hire a mini bus and those who wanted a day out went ---we drew lots to see who drove-- the rest just enjoyed the day out ---many without dogs it ment they could have a drink and not bother about having to drive home.---------

The reason they needed regions was sheer number of dogs this is not the case now as you well know.

I think that its a great idea well worth a look at being as we aint got much else to choose from

i think that u have to wait till the meeting till its sorted properly as every member does not have internet access and nothing is guna be decided on here anyway.
if we can't get a track with camping for the weekend, why not run Dogs one weekend and bitch's the next weekend, over one day ( sunday ) with the amount of dog's / bitch's that attened the aug champs, it could be finished for 5.00, and i think its already been said have the presentation later in the year for Rbch's and Rsch's,

think this is better than the regional run off, if your bitch happen's to be in season or your dog injured you could miss the reg's run, :( of but be fine for the date the champs were on, :angry: that would make you feel sick, :eek:
Yes this has happened to us a few times :b and then when you get to the champs because your bitch has qualified you find that you are racing a solo or with two more bitch's in that weight group or similar because the other bitch's that qualified are now in season or injured. I do not think there are as many whippets racing as there was when the regionals were in force but we could try anything again and see if it works :- "
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i dont remember regionals but get the jist of what went on. i dont think these will work because you can win a title now on championship day with either a solo or a straight final. dont think theres enough dogs to do it.
kipper fluke said:
John as you have now got the Scottish Championships run in Scotland---- it would make sense just to split the whole of the country in half North /South you in Scotland dont have enough dogs and we in the north west dont either to warrant regional run offs ---therefore what John Meades is suggesting makes sense  in order to get a decent turn out at all events also saving unwanted costs to all concerned /Clubs /regions/member/.
Can not see why you would object--wherever you run in order to gain your tittle you have to beat the best in that class--unless you are as many in the past ---quite content just to win your own regions run off----

This used to be quite popular  but then clubs such as Lancaster / Preston /Barrow  /all in north west had 70/100  dogs running on a regular weekly basis ----and just getting the top club dog compared to getting a title today when it came to  the amount of dogs you had to beat.

When it came to the regions run offs  if your dog was not the fastest at your club many would not or could not go ----some due to cost --some would know they had no chance due to  times --some were not that bothered and just liked club racing --   some simply had the  lack of transport it was nothing like today--

At Lancaster we used to hire a mini bus and those who wanted a day out went ---we drew lots to see who drove-- the rest just enjoyed the day out  ---many without dogs it ment they could have a drink and not bother about having to drive home.---------

The reason they needed regions was sheer number of dogs this is not the case now as you well know.

I think that its a great idea  well worth a look at being as we aint got much else to choose from


I hear what you and John are saying and maybe it will come to that if it has to be a one day event but in my opinion it will increase my costs. If the north south line was drawn under Newton Aycliffe where would we hold the regional qualifiers would they be moved around or as near the middle as possible my guess would be Wallsend or Dawdon. So for my dogs to qualify for the Straight Championships I would have a 300+ mile round trip and if any of my dogs qualified a 660+ mile round trip to the midlands would be on the cards (as I would not settle for the regional title I would try for the big one). Also this could have an effect on the TT I stand to be corrected on this one as I am not 100% sure but now would TT opens be dished out and the one thing that concerns me most is The Scottish Championships I think that each region is only allowed one straight and one bend regional championship per year and as we would now be in the same region that holds the All Endland Scratch Chapionships what event gets bumped? We (The Scottish Region) have put a lot of work into getting the Scottish Championships up and running and so have the people who run the All England Scratch Championships a bit unfair if one of us looses out unless the north south regional qualifiers were only for the Championships and outwith the championships the normal regions that exist at present continue. Another reason we do not want to cut the amount of regions is that if you did we would cut down the amount of regional reps and that in my opinion would be a bad thing for racing.
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It's a good idea in theory John but i don't think we should be trying to lessen the number of dogs attending champs (which is what running qualifiers is doing), there's lots of grounds in the midlands some not active clubs that could probably take the champs but it's not going to come out and hit us in the face, i presume the BWRA haven't looked into every track which is easily accessible for everyone in the country so at the moment we just have to sit and wait and see what idea's they have for venue's before looking at alternative ways of running the champs.
tanglewood said:
Hi Folks George here as Scottish B.W.R.A. Secretary I would like to say that Kirkcaldy w.r c. would be happy to play host to next years championships we maybe a small club in comparison to some but we do have shower and camping facilities , our track is good and we posses our own photo finish, we also have a venue to hold presentation all we really need is good behaviour from ALL participants. We are prepared to hold Champs on the familiar dates, I know this is maybe a further than usual distance to travel but feel that maybe it is the most viable option available. If governing bodies feel this is a workable option can they please get in contact with me as soon as possible.
Thanks George

spellbound said:
if we can't get a track with camping for the weekend, why not run Dogs one weekend and bitch's the next weekend, over one day ( sunday ) with the amount of dog's / bitch's that attened the aug champs, it could be finished for 5.00, and i think its already been said have the presentation later in the year for Rbch's and Rsch's,
think this is better than the regional run off, if your bitch happen's to be in season or your dog injured you could miss the reg's run, :(   of but be fine for the date the champs were on, :angry:   that would make you feel sick,  :eek:

We can get a track with camping as George has said and this could give the B.W.R.A a bit of time to find an alternative venue in the midlands for future years but if it was decided to go with a one day event or two seperate one day events with a presentation later in the year maybe any presentation could be held at the A.G.M as this could improve the attendance at the A.G.M but then again most people whos dog/bitch wins a title want their prize on the day even if it is trackside.
piglet said:
i dont remember regionals but get the jist of what went on. i dont think these will work because you can win a title now on championship day with either a solo or a straight final. dont think theres enough dogs to do it.

spot on pig :thumbsup:
Vicky said:
It's a good idea in theory John but i don't think we should be trying to lessen the number of dogs attending champs (which is what running qualifiers is doing), there's lots of grounds in the midlands some not active clubs that could probably take the champs but it's not going to come out and hit us in the face, i presume the BWRA haven't looked into every track which is easily accessible for everyone in the country so at the moment we just have to sit and wait and see what idea's they have for venue's before looking at alternative ways of running the champs.
I agree with Vicky on this. There are alot of things to take into account.

Regionls would mean only 64 dogs a day, thats not counting the ones who dont turn up though seasons or injury. More expense for region trophy's and alot less taken in caravan money and raffle.

We go to watch the racing even if we know our girls don't stand a chance of getting a tittle and for a break in the caravan. I dont think I would bother going if I could not race my girls.

Nothing much can be done untill the agm. But we should be looking for a venue to host the weekend in the midlands now. Like Dudley where the English derby was held awhile back and I think the nearest you can get to Asfordby that could hold a weekend event we could all enjoy.

There were alot of new faces this year at the Champs, people just coming into the sport, Thay should be encouraged with 2 good days racing with full race sheets.

For example when we were racing Lucy Lou years back she had a five dog heat to run acording to the race sheet. But three of those bitches didnt turn up and there were alot more dogs running back then. It took ages at some Champs running solo's because dogs were missing, and some poor dogs sitting and having to watch that did not qualifly.
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the regionals sorted out the jinky dogs that was one good thing saves on some poor buggers dog/bitch getting a rerun on the champs day.and some time dogs that run in handicaps week in and week out got a chance and them people love the chance of going down country to have a go at the best dogs.
so how are u gettin on doreen any look with the future championships track :cheers:
AndrewPocket said:
so how are u gettin on doreen  any look with the future championships track  :cheers:

Hi Andrew, I have been in touch with three possible venues, I don't want to say too much at the moment because I do not want to raise anyones hopes until we have got someything definite in writing and Bill and I also inrend taking time off from work to actually go and look at the grounds on offer for ourselves, but it does look promising, I will cetainly keep all the members posted and when I have some positive news I will let everyone know

Hope this bit of info helps and reassures you that I am working hard to get a venue for 2006

kind regards Doreen
Hi Doreen,

Just read your post and assuming that because you havent been in touch with us yet Kirkcaldy isnt one of the venues you are considering? Thats okay if you have found alternative venues can we now assume Kirkcaldy is out of the running for holding the championships? Can we assume you are taking travelling distance into account when you choose new venue for people both North and South?

stormy weathers said:
Hi Doreen,
Just read your post and assuming that because you havent been in touch with us yet Kirkcaldy isnt one of the venues you are considering? Thats okay if you have found alternative venues can we now assume Kirkcaldy is out of the running for holding the championships? Can we assume you are taking travelling distance into account when you choose new venue for people both North and South?


Hi George, we have always said that we would try to get a venue that is within fair travelling distance for everyone and this is what we are trying to do, although we all know that the members from Scotland are always going to be the one's who travel the furthest, but we are doing our very best to keep it as central as possible

regards Doreen