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17 lurchers stolen - Barnsley


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Yes that's right 17 of them. :rant:

LSB 1640/12/F:

Lurcher- Saluki x Greyhound-bitch (entire)

Smooth coated

Black and tan

Brindling on legs.

Bad back left leg

Height: 25 ins app.

Age: 5 y.o.

LSB 1641/12/F:

Lurcher - Saluki x Greyhound-bitch (entire)

Smooth coated


4 big white socks

Scar on front right leg at top. Small scar on RHS of muzzle

Height: 25 ins app.

Age: 18 months

LSB 1642/12/F:

Saluki -bitch (entire)

Saluki type coat


Black and white with tan where the black meets the white.

Feathered ears, tail and legs. Scar under jaw. In whelp when stolen- Pups were due on 5/1/04

Height: 24 ins app.

Age: 18 months

LSB 1643/12/F:

Lurcher - Saluki x Greyhound -bitch (entire)

Smooth coated

White with brindle

Lemon brindle patches on head and sides.

Big scar on left back leg where tendons were stitched. Had pups 8 weeks ago -stolen with her.

Tattoo number: LH in left ear

Height: 25 ins app.

Age: 6 years

LSB 1644/12/F:

Lurcher -Saluki x Greyhound - bitch (entire)

Smooth coated

Black and white

Age: 8 weeks

LSB 1645/12/F:

Lurcher - Saluki x Greyhound -bitch (entire)

Smooth coated

Black and tan

Age: 8 weeks

LSD 1646/12/F:

Lurcher - Saluki x Greyhound -dog (entire)

Smooth coated

Black and tan

Age: 8 weeks

LSD 1647/12/F:

Lurcher - Saluki x Greyhound -dog (entire)

Smooth coated

Black and tan

Age: 8 weeks

LSB 1648/12/F:

Lurcher - Saluki x Greyhound - bitch (entire)

Smooth coated


Red with black flecking over

Age: 8 weeks

LSB 1649/12/F:

Lurcher - Saluki x Greyhound - bitch (entire)

Smooth coated

White with lemon

Lemon brindle patches like the mother

Age: 8 weeks

LSB 1650/12/F:

Lurcher - Saluki x Greyhound -bitch (entire)

Smooth coated

White with lemon

Lemon brindle patches like the mother

Age: 8 weeks

LSD 1651/12/F:

Lurcher - Saluki x Greyhound - dog (entire)

Smooth coated

White with lemon

Lemon brindle patches like the mother

Age: 8 weeks

LSD 1652/12/F:

Lurcher - Saluki x Greyhound - dog (entire)

Smooth coated

White with lemon

Lemon brindle patches like the mother

Age: 8 weeks

LSD 1653/12/F:

Lurcher - Saluki x Greyhound - dog (entire)

Smooth coated

Black and tan

White ring around nose

Age: 12 weeks

LSB 1654/12/F:

Lurcher - Saluki x Greyhound - bitch (entire)

Smooth coated

Black and tan

White ring around nose

Age: 12 weeks

LSB 1655/12/F:

Lurcher - Saluki x Greyhound - bitch (entire)

Smooth coated

Black and tan

Small white spot on chest

Age: 12 weeks

LSD 1656/12/F:

Lurcher - Saluki x Greyhound - dog (entire)

Smooth coated

Black and tan

Brindling in the tan. White flash on chest

Age: 12 weeks

Stolen from: Barnsley area, South Yorkshire on 13/12/03

Circumstance of loss: Stolen from secure kennels - railings were removed from exterior fence- between 7-8 pm, along with LSB/D 1640-1656

Additional Info: A Red Escort was seen parked up in a nearby lay-by. Crime number issued.
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:eek: 17 :eek:

The words I would like to use....would be definitely asterisked out!

Its just beyond belief :angry:
BJ I take it that as you are posting again nothing has been heard about these poor dogs and puppies? :angry:

Surely this many pups will have to surface soon you can't hide this many without somone noticing them unless travellers have taken them of caurse.

with the ages theres a good chance he's had them advertised and had veiwers/theives round to view them! :rant:
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A Red Escort was seen parked up in a nearby lay-by.
Mmmm i think it would have had to have a bloody great big trailer on the back to get all them in!!

poor things i hope they're found soon!
I wonder if these are the dogs stolen from an alotment (see earlier posting)

I cant believe that the thieves would have time to remove railings and steal 17 dogs from 'secure kennels' without anyone noticing. I accept that presumably some pups were sharing a kennel though which might have speeded things up, but it's so terrible. I hope that they are all safe and do get recovered.

We get quite a few of lurchery types advertised in our yellow paper so will keep a look out. :(
digzoils said:
I wonder if these are the dogs stolen from an alotment (see earlier posting)
I think that you are correct Paul and that it's the ones that you posted about all that time ago. Notice that the number has fallen from 19 to 17? Hmm