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14 year old yorkshire terrier constantly licking all 4 paws


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Hi all

I have a 14 year old Yorkshire terrier and all of a sudden he has started licking all four of his paws. When I come home from work his paws are soaking wet and on a night he just licks away. I have checked his paws and can see no sign of injury.

Any help would be appreciated.


if you had been for a would of said the dog got stung but give it s baby piriton tablet snd see if it settles down other than that excema, which if it is that it will be red sore after parting the hair you should see it.
We have a Staffy girl, she's also fourteen, and she has the habit of licking her front paws and legs.

We could find no cause at all, so we stop her doing it and she will get the message. It's difficult for you though if your girl is doing it when you're not there.

If this has only just started, she could be reacting to Spring grass. I had a Parson Russell years ago who used to have an itchy reaction, but it was only ever to Spring grass, and it was worse when the grass was wet.

The suggestion of giving her Piriton is ideal. Dogs can have 4mg a day. Try also washing her paws in cold water just in case she has pollen on them. x

Sorry, just realised your Yorkie is a boy!! x
It's that time of year where all doggie allergies come around.

Dogs can develop allergies at any point in their life, to pretty much anything that is airborn or eaten.

Grass is a big culprit but without doing tests you cannot be sure and is only a guess.

Have you tried washing his paws once or twice a week? If not try washing them in diluted hibiscrub.

Piriton is a good idea, however expensive in branded form. The supermarkets do there own version which contains the same drug (chlorphenamine maleate) at a fraction of the cost.

I would always advise that you run it past your vet first as a precaution but it's relatively safe in small amounts.