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12 Thousand Pound Cat

:rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:

this is wrong, there are enough cats that need to be rescued!!!
:rant: That IS wicked!!!!!!

How can anybody justify spending that much money on a cat (or a dog or any animal!) when there are so many in desperate need of a loving home?
Well, its not what I'd choose to spend 12k on, but I can't see that it's actually wrong

There's not much difference between people breeding a huge cat and those who set out to breed the large dog breeds we have today. We are used to seeing dogs in all kinds of shapes and sizes, but the parallels in cat breeding are relatively new and seem to provoke a disproportionate amount of outrage - The much derided 'munchkin' breed directly correlates with the dachshund, why are short limbed cats wrong yet short limbed dogs are fine?

Yes there are many cats in rescue, just as there are many dogs - but many on here have pure bred dogs that they've paid for, when they could just as easily have homed a mongrel .......... I am not responsible for these cats/dogs unless I've added to their number (which I haven't) so if I chose to spend my money on an expensive animal I don't see why that is a problem to anyone else (or that it makes it wrong)

The only difference here is the price tag - the breeds we have on here tend to cost around the £400 - £1000 mark (ish) whereas these big cats are selling for 12k

As I said at the beginning, this is a lot more than I would pay for an animal, but that doesn't mean I think it's wrong for others to do so. After all, I see it as obscene for people to spend 50k on a car, but plenty do and if you have 12k spare a year I can't see it as 'wronger' to spend it on a cat than a holiday.

The one thing that alarmed me about the article was the guarantee of consistency - I'm wondering what happens to the kittens without the desired marking etc and hoping they get homed without the huge price tag rather than quietly disposed of - but thats down to the ethics of the breeder, just as it is with the breeding of any animal.
Hmm i can see both sides to this argument, but then again im not a big believer in paying a lot of money for animals i would rather get them from a rescue. The thing i worry about with these cats is that they are a status symbol and people who are spending that kind of money may be just doing it to impress others, rather than they want a cat for companionship etc.
Another status symbol for the rich and famous 8)

I dont think I d trust it around children though :(

Whippets rule!!!!!! :thumbsup: