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11 week old puppy worries and giardia help!


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Hi all, I am a new member and hoping to get to know you all better over the following weeks and months! I have recently bought a French Bulldog puppy (Lily-Mae) who had loose (not what I would call diarrhoea) stools with blood in it! At first the vet thought it was due to her new environment and I was gradually changing her food over! She didn't improve so was put on antibiotics, after a day or two there was still no improvement and she became lethargic and dehydrated so another trip to the vet more antibiotics and a stool sample was sent. After just 1 dose of Flagyl she improved her stools became firmer and she stopped pooing overnight, yayyy I thought we cracked it . The stool sample showed she had giardia but as she had responded to treatment the vet thought she was cured and didn't want to see her again however yesterday her bowels became more frequent and softer and the past few nights she has pooed overnight this morning there was a small amount of blood. I rang the vet who is going to give her another course of Flagyl! Anyone else have experience of Giardia?? Can I take her out? Can she meet other dogs? Could this affect any dog insurance?

Also she is peeing in her bed and continues to sleep there! I know dogs rarely soil their bed but I am wondering if she is peeing in her sleep as during the day she will go out to pee and poo, last night her bed was wet when we woke her up to go to pee before bed and she was asleep and we didn't see her "squat" in her bed? I mentioned this to the vet who was unconcerned and said she's still a baby! I am not new to dog ownership and have very successfully trained dogs in the past but this little one is trying my patience and is such a worry! Maybe I'm just getting old lol!
