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  1. H

    Hydrocephalus/special needs/mentally challenged Papillon house training

    Hi everyone! I have a 1 year old male papillon puppy. He has always been very different ever since he was a puppy and we have grown to believe that he has mild hydrocephalus. The vet said it would be very expensive confirming this, and there isn't much they can do, so just to treat him as a...
  2. leashedForLife

    "What to expect when U're expecting a pup" - some pre-planning tips from trainers

    . 7 things: What to expect when you’re expecting a puppy Andrea Arden is a well-known humane trainer in NYC; Sarah Wilson is in St Louis, MI, & both are USA-apdt members. The article also includes insights from new pup-owners on the challenges & joys of the new baby. :) I especially liked...