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  1. Noodles

    Dog sleeping arrangements

    I don't agree with dog on the bed, but dog had been allowed to sleep on the bed and at 7 years old I wasn't going to make changes. As it happens 3 years on his cruciate rupture has put him in a night crate out of our control.
  2. Noodles

    Jumping at other dogs

    If it's getting worse I would suggest looking closely at how you are responding when you see another dog coming. Often we become nervous and our dogs take their cues from us, no matter how subtle we think we're being. The slightest tension is transmitted to the dog who then reacts more, and so...
  3. Noodles

    Calories in recovery

    Our boy is recovering from CCL surgery and I need help with his calorie intake please! Before the problem started he was given 2x 400g tins plus free fed dry, he would leave on average about a quarter to a third of his tins each day. He had a completely off leash walk between one and 2 hours...
  4. Noodles

    How do you feel about dog rain coats?

    Our terrier type mix is so active and tends to overheat so a light coat is purely for lead rest in the snow, and nothing in the rain. Once in a hailstorm we took shelter as best we could and I had to cover him with my own coat. But last year I noticed his limp when he got wet and cold so I put...
  5. Noodles

    Buying a puppy

    I've had cats all my life and our dog was brought up with cats from the age of 4 weeks. I trust him with my cats even though he moved in with them at 7 years old, because as my partner's dog his full history was known. It still doesn't stop him chasing cats he meets outside. My partner who has...
  6. Noodles

    Help, cruciate ligament surgery

    Thank you, I have long used tuna spring water to make cats drink and he loves it too, didn't occur to me but I do have a tin in the cupboard. Like the tip about keeping some ice cubes of it too. I have several Metacam syringes, plenty for a dribble, good thinking. He is a lot brighter, he's...
  7. Noodles

    Help, cruciate ligament surgery

    Around 4.30 I managed to get him to have his half a paracetamol, then the gabapentin, then go out for a pee. Still refused to drink until his daddy got up but the little so-and-so ... "I'm so sore and sleepy, I'm dying, I can't drink a thing ..." I didn't even leave the room just put my arm...
  8. Noodles

    Does your dogs' name have a significant meaning?

    Snoopy isn't a beagle but he is white and about the right size with floppy black ears.
  9. Noodles

    Help, cruciate ligament surgery

    Dog had surgery on cruciate ligament today, in the afternoon. We picked him up 6pm and he came out of the vets on 3 of his own 4 feet. Lifted him into the car and after a few minutes he slouched down and fell asleep, all pretty normal. When we got home we struggled to wake him and he was unable...
  10. Noodles

    Spitting everytime two pieces of kibble next to his food bowl.

    Ours takes a mouthful of dry food, turns around and walks a few steps, drops them all on the floor and eats them, then goes back for another mouthful and repeats the process. Eats wet food from the bowl no issues. My partner found him abandoned 4 weeks old and has had him ever since and he has...
  11. Noodles

    Insurance info

    I worked in the insurance sector and you have to realise how it works. Overall, insurance works on paying out 50% of what is paid in. So if you're unlucky and get a £5,000 (as we are about to) you'd be forgiven for wishing you had insurance (as we don't) BUT For 40 years between us my partner...
  12. Noodles

    Someone in my area exercises his Border Collie behind his car while driving .....

    Thanks, that is getting messier and messier the more we look into it then. I have always looked at this from a dog law point of view because ours has never walked well on lead and is so much better off it that we don't use one for months on end (though I always carry one of course). And this...
  13. Noodles

    Someone in my area exercises his Border Collie behind his car while driving .....

    All I can find is that they should be clearly signposted but I've never seen any such signpost on a road, only on footpaths and bridleways! This cropped up for us at the beginning of lockdown when our dog who is never on the lead was attacked by another dog 4 times his size who broke his lead to...
  14. Noodles


    There's a big difference between dog and horse poo anyway, horse manure is fertiliser and not the most pleasant but not toxic. On the whole herbivore poo good, carnivore poo bad.
  15. Noodles

    Someone in my area exercises his Border Collie behind his car while driving .....

    Read on, section 2: "In this section “designated road” means a length of road specified by an order in that behalf of the local authority in whose area the length of road is situated." - that's a "designated road" in a council's defined PSPO or whatever it's called. Not all roads. Road Traffic...
  16. Noodles

    Someone in my area exercises his Border Collie behind his car while driving .....

    There is no law that requires all dogs to be on the lead on public roads. Dogs must be "under control" at all times and I would argue some are perfectly under control without a lead while others are out of control on one. Dogs in public must wear a collar with identification and be...
  17. Noodles

    Noose style lead for small puppy

    Yes the advantages are that they are designed for whippety type breeds whose head is narrow enough to slip through a properly fitted flat collar, that they close up if the dog pulls backwards or twists, but can't get any tighter than the flat part and therefore can't choke the dog. It is also...
  18. Noodles

    Noose style lead for small puppy

    Nobody's mentioned the martingale style collar yet, what's people's thoughts on those?
  19. Noodles

    My dog is a victim of lockdown. Please help.

    That looks a lot like stud tail to me, the violet gland, androgens. Happened to our lad after an attack in April, it's cleared up now. Can cause skin issues all over if not treated but apparently a lot of vets don't seem to know about stud tail even though it's common.
  20. Noodles

    Thoughts on limps

    Hi I'm new here, and the reason I joined sounds similar-ish. We have a 10 year old unknown mix breed, terrier type, spaniel size active boy, a digger and ball chaser. He always had clicky knees and gradually over the past couple of years after he gets cold and/or wet then rests, his back legs...