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  1. Chadders

    Raw food advice

    As said it can be as cheap or exp as you make it. Costs are dependant on the size of dog as you normally feed around 2/3% of the dogs weight (adult) thats to keep it at around the right weight. Then where you buy it some of the "branded" foods will be more exp. I feed Landywoods & Durham animal...
  2. Chadders

    A-Z Animals

  3. Chadders

    Doesn't drink water but then???

    It's not hard because we don't get much limescale doesn't taste particularly chlorinated either
  4. Chadders

    Doesn't drink water but then???

    Well after a couple of days of adding just a dash of milk enough to turn it white he's drinking well. Just when you think you know your dog lol !!!
  5. Chadders

    Doesn't drink water but then???

    We've had Bruce since June a rescue from Dogs Trust. He's been amazing and settled really well. He's on a Raw diet and I know dogs on a raw diet don't drink much. He always has fresh water available. However we've noticed over time he really doesn't drink much at all never when he's out from...
  6. Chadders

    Raw dog food brands

    Interesting to know your dogs only 8 months old which suggests as an owner of a dog still growing, you'd be keeping a keen eye on general overall development. Therefore good to know you endorse Landywoods food thanks
  7. Chadders

    Raw dog food brands

    Interesting thoughts thanks. I suppose I was thinking more of the fact that it seems the more expensive raw foods do have a lot of fancy packaging and flashy websites. As appose to Bulmers for instance or Raw Treat Brand (recent recall aside) who don't even have a website. As I've said in a...
  8. Chadders

    Raw dog food brands

    I've just discovered Landywoods myself as in a local supplier stocks it but not tried it. How does your dog / you get on with it? I'm quite new to BARF feeding and still trying various brands. Fortunately Bruce will eat anything but I can't help thinking do you get what you pay for? thoughts...
  9. Chadders

    Vitamin & supplements??

    Not sure if this question should be here or in food and diet? Bruce is ona BARF diet and seems to be doing well. I was wondering about adding some extra vitamin supplements maybe something from the Dorwest range ie herbal or some kind of multi vitamin from the likes of Vitapaws. Has anyone got...
  10. Chadders

    Southcliffe anyone use this brand or heard of them??

    Southcliffe Pet Foods - Premium Quality Raw Dog Food Hi anyone heard of this brand. I'v been using Raw treat which Bruce loves. Unfortunately my supplier is having problems getting the brand and is now stocking Southcliffe as an alternative. Problem is there mince contains no offal and 15% bone...
  11. Chadders

    Dog doesn't bark??!!

    We've had him for just over 2 weeks but it's as if we've had him for years! settled really well no aggression towards people or other dogs. We need to build his alone time up, I think he might have a bit of separation anxiety but that's fine. He can also open kitchen draw and cupboards and doors...
  12. Chadders

    raw food don't dismiss supermarkets!

    Just thought I'd share this my local Aldi sells 1Kg chicken wings £1.69 and 1Kg chicken drumsticks £1.65. This is cheaper than I've found it online from specific raw food suppliers.
  13. Chadders

    Wormcount and warm weather...

    Thanks for that something to consider.
  14. Chadders

    Dog doesn't bark??!!

    sorry if its a bit big :D
  15. Chadders

    Dog doesn't bark??!!

  16. Chadders

    Wormcount and warm weather...

    Thanks JundyN so is it instead of conventional regular worming? A case of don't fix it if it's not broken? I raw feed my dog so is it something that's more useful when raw feeding Thanks
  17. Chadders

    Dog doesn't bark??!!

    Does anyone else have a dog that doesn't bark at anything, at any time, for any reason!!?? I guess I'm not complaining but just seems weird and unusual. Bruce is an American Bulldog cross not sure what with yet but researching into having a DNA test. The only time I've known him to bark was when...
  18. Chadders

    Wormcount and warm weather...

    Tell me more I've never heard of this practice? is something you do on a regular basis? or just when there's a problem? where do you send the poo to how much doe it cost? Thanks
  19. Chadders

    Nice little piece on body language

    Did you click into the links of the different signs? there are full explanations given
  20. Chadders

    stuffing a Kong what treats?

    Yes I'll try a bonio type biscuit as a hole blocker