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  1. Heather and Dotty Dog

    Hyper in the evenings?

    That was a really helpful video thank you!
  2. Heather and Dotty Dog

    Hyper in the evenings?

    Hi everyone, I just wondered if my Dotty's behaviour is normal, and if anyone has experience of it too? Dotty is a 15 month old Spanish rescue (we think half Galgo, half Podenco). I got her at 6 months old and she was a stereotypical high energy, clever puppy that needed a lot of attention...
  3. Heather and Dotty Dog

    My Dog sleeps on my bed, does yours?

    Dotty sleeps with me.. fortunately I have a giant bed and she keeps my feet warm at the end! She doesn't make a peep and even when she is in a hyper mood, she knows lights off means sleep time. I know you're not meant to, but I don't see any harm really as I am happy to always have her there. :)
  4. Heather and Dotty Dog

    Lurching lurcher!

    Aww, he is so lovely! She does love other dogs but I only have permission for one at my rented house. I am buying my own next year so hopefully I will have room for another! :)
  5. Heather and Dotty Dog

    Lurching lurcher!

    Haha, yes...she found an old bra of mine and it has become her favourite toy above all the expensive ones!! I just decided I would let her have it this once. :) Great stuff thank you so much for your advice. I will bear it in all in mind and try again a bit later today.
  6. Heather and Dotty Dog

    Lurching lurcher!

    I'm afraid I can't drive, but I do have friends with cars, who would be happy to take her to a quiet park, so I think we will try that out. She also seems calmer walking in the eves and at weekends (when of course, the traffic is quieter), and when friends join us to walk. Perhaps I'll do a few...
  7. Heather and Dotty Dog

    Patience is a virtue when training a puppy!

    Patience is a virtue when training a puppy!
  8. Heather and Dotty Dog

    Lurching lurcher!

    Hi everyone! :) Nearly 3 weeks ago I rescued a 6 month old lurcher puppy from Spain. She has a wonderful temperament, very friendly and happy and we have been working hard on her house training and obedience training, which is going well. The thing I am really stuck with is walkies. I kept...