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  1. Barnyboy

    Ban on dogs in all Wetherspoons pubs.

    I used to think that when I lived in London but here in a village everyone loves dogs so the local country pubs welcome dogs with open arms...but then we are responsible dog owners
  2. Barnyboy

    Ban on dogs in all Wetherspoons pubs.

    I totally agree, I have always said I would rather a dog at the next table than screaming snooty nosed kids who have no manners and their "don't give a s**t" parents who just let them run riot. It's about time pubs ect starting banning unruly kids not dogs. It doesn't affect me as there are no...
  3. Barnyboy

    Urgent help

  4. Barnyboy

    My Dog sleeps on my bed, does yours?

    Yes me too, grubby sheets/bedding easy to deal with a stressed dog isn't.
  5. Barnyboy


    I have one, think I got it from a shop on-line, it's great for the sofa and car seats but doesn't seem to work very well on clothes.
  6. Barnyboy

    Is having 3 dogs mad?

    If you have the plenty of space, plenty of free time, plenty of money and you can definitely handle 3 dogs and have children then why not...but why do you actually want three dogs? I have one, a 5 year old English Cocker Spaniel and sometimes think I would love another because I love dogs but...
  7. Barnyboy

    My Dog sleeps on my bed, does yours?

    My sentiment entirely, lucky we love our dogs....I got a crate for Barny ready for when I got him home because the breeder said he was used to one and highly recommended it....Barny had better ideas....the crate went on ebay the next day lol
  8. Barnyboy

    Caption This

    Getting bored now mum just throw the flipping ball will you.
  9. Barnyboy


    The only thing I would say is to use a clothes brush/lint remover before you put clothes in the wash...getting dog hairs off first is the best way as I find once the hairs have got wet they stick like glue.
  10. Barnyboy

    Please can someone help me

    I would start by definitely taking him to another vet, six weeks is far to long for the poor dog to have to wait to bee seen.
  11. Barnyboy

    My Dog sleeps on my bed, does yours?

    O bless him, I'm lucky enough to have a dog that only eats what he's given....lucky, I'd called that called that unheard of lol
  12. Barnyboy

    Urgent help

    Blimey talk about go on.....NEVER EVER have I or would I grab hold of my dog, prise open his mouth and force anything into it. What I did was dab his mouth which was at the time chewing something he shouldn't be chewing and it isn't something I did over a long period of time (about 2 days)...
  13. Barnyboy

    Urgent help

  14. Barnyboy

    My Dog sleeps on my bed, does yours?

    Having had several dogs over the past 60+ years I was (in the past) very anti "dog on bed" None of my dogs where ever allowed on the beds basically because of their size...Rottweiler, English Mastiff, Newfoundland and a Dog de-Bordeaux so no room for me if they did. When I got my latest boy as a...
  15. Barnyboy

    Urgent help

    I agree with that 100%....there are obviously lots of people think they are a marvellous idea but would they put their child in one I wonder. If a dog needs to wear a muzzle for safety reason or it's own good then that's good all round but to muzzle all dogs I'm not in favour of, I certainly...
  16. Barnyboy

    Urgent help

    That just show's how things have changed over the years, the newspaper was used by nearly every puppy owner I knew back in my young days the same as a child got a smacked bottom when naughty and it didn't do either any harm.
  17. Barnyboy

    Urgent help

    No I was wrong in saying muzzles should be banned, and although I am personally against them I'm sure they have their uses. I'm lucky in that my boy even though a cocker spaniel doesn't even like to chase a ball.....I am so pleased the muzzle worked for your boy, is he a chaser? Some breeds just...
  18. Barnyboy

    Urgent help

    Ok I get you about muzzles.. I don't know anything about them ie different types and when or why they are used. When I suggested a soft muzzle I meant something that wasn't going to hurt the poor dogs face or stop her being able to drink and pant properly. Personally I am against them and think...
  19. Barnyboy

    Urgent help

    Sorry but you obviously didn't read my comment properly. I did not mention leaving the dog at home alone wearing a muzzle, what I said was use while at home but not in the same room.
  20. Barnyboy

    Urgent help

    Now I know many people are going to be totally against this as I my self would not like to have to do it to my dog but...a soft muzzle. Maybe try using it for short spells while you are in the house but not in the same room. As long as she can drink and not get it caught up on anything then...