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  1. hannahireland

    Kennel Cough

    Hi folks! Maisy is over a week into her kennel cough treatment, but before she showed symptoms she was socialising with my mums dogs and they have now been diagnosed yesterday We have a wedding this weekend and it usually is my mum looks after her. The question is, is it OK for her to be with...
  2. hannahireland

    Spay Next Week

    Hi everyone I have booked Maisy in to be spayed next week - she is 20 months old now, had her second season at Christmas so wanted to have the spay done before the next one arrives. Has anyone any tips from previous experience? Cone of shame or is a babygrow for example a better option? Any...
  3. hannahireland

    Skin/lump above butt

    Just been to the vets, as she is currently in heat she said it could be something that's always been there it's just more noticeable as she's swollen and as it's just a bit of skin it's nothing to worry about
  4. hannahireland

    Skin/lump above butt

    Sorry to anyone that may not like the picture, I'm just looking some advice before deciding on vet visit. I noticed this growth above Maisys anus last night, she is currently in heat and I noticed her licking so just done a quick check. To me it's like a skin tag and when I put gloves on to...
  5. hannahireland

    Shedding - clothes & sofa!

    Hi everyone Hope you are all well and enjoying the run up to Christmas! We have a cocker spaniel who is quite fond of shedding. We also have a fabric sofa (purchased before Maisy ) and wondering what other people use to reduce dog hair and clean up their sofas? Also what's anyone's...
  6. hannahireland

    Tough Toys

    Not a fan Judy surprisingly, she either runs away from it or leaves it lying!
  7. hannahireland

    Tough Toys

    Haha that has been me recently, doesn't matter what it is it doesn't last too long!
  8. hannahireland

    Tough Toys

    I must have a look! TK Maxx definitely is reasonable for some of the 'tougher' toys!
  9. hannahireland

    Tough Toys

    Evening everyone! Just a post to see what everyone's recommendation would be for a "tough toy"? We have had knotted teddies, k9 connectables, kongs etc all ripped to pieces. She just seems to love to take everything apart but loves to get them! Suggestions would be lovely :) Thanks in...
  10. hannahireland

    Question about our gal..

    Good evening all! I have attached a picture of our cocker spaniels bottom nipples. They have this discoloration which I've tried to wipe off but it only wears off ever so slightly. I'm just wondering if anyone has seen it before? Is it just needing a scrub or could there be more to it? It's...
  11. hannahireland

    Ate chocolate cake :(

    Hi Hi Judy thanks for your reply. I called the vets and he just said to keep an eye if she gets drowsy or like a colic baby she will need to be examined first thing in the morning. Also to feed her some high fibre foods to push everything through. He thought she maybe wouldn't eat them if she...
  12. hannahireland

    Ate chocolate cake :(

    Hi all! I am visiting family today, one of whom bakes cakes. Maisy the rascal has helped herself to about a quarter of a 6inch tall cake which is chocolate. The chocolate that is in it is cocoa powder. Should I just keep an eye on her or what would you do? Our vet will just be emergency hours...
  13. hannahireland

    Lack of appetite

    Thank you! I think I will bring her down to one meal per day to see if it makes a difference, she doesn't want to look at her dinner!
  14. hannahireland

    Lack of appetite

    Thank you very much! This makes me feel a bit better :)
  15. hannahireland

    Lack of appetite

    Thank you Joanne much appreciated :)
  16. hannahireland

    Lack of appetite

    Hi Judy I left her food with her which is Nutts About Pets Ambassador, a local brand. She's been eating it for quite a few months now so not sure if she's just got bored of it? She seems herself as far as I can see and is more than enthusiastic about non kibble treats! Thanks for the reply!
  17. hannahireland

    Lack of appetite

    Hi Joanne! Thanks for that. I may switch up her food as i just feel like she has got bored with it. Either that or she is not happy we left her for a weekend I did think about lifting the food too as i know she will eat when she is hungry! A little worried as to when to say enough is enough and...
  18. hannahireland

    Lack of appetite

    Thank you for your advice, Violet She seems ok otherwise so I do think she may have got a little spoilt at the dog hotel even though her own food was left with her! Ps she is alot bigger now haha
  19. hannahireland

    Lack of appetite

    Good evening all! Maisy is 8 months and always scoffed her food. She stayed in a doggy hotel the last weekend of April and has been picky about her food since. She will maybe eat half of her kibble and ignore the rest, sometimes going back for more later. I've added jelly food to her kibble a...
  20. hannahireland

    Barking/Growling at children

    Hi all Maisy is a 7 month old cocker spaniel! She lives with us, a couple, at home and loves every visitor that comes into our house but she growls and barks at any children she sees out the window or passes on the street. We don't have any children in our family or immediate family so she...