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  1. Yvonne57

    Border terrier with diabetes, chf and pulmonary firbrosis

    Thanks gypsymum, yes the vet said there were meds for this situation, but betsy is on so many meds it would be best if we could manage the incontinence without upsetting the balance. We are happy to continue mopping up! Many thanks Yvonne
  2. Yvonne57

    Border terrier with diabetes, chf and pulmonary firbrosis

    I can't believe it is over a month since I posted. I've been concerned with our elderly cat recently who hasn't been eating and I ended up at the vet the other day with both dog and cat! Fortunately I am such a regular visitor there they fitted both animals in for the same appointment. Honey is...
  3. Yvonne57

    Border terrier with diabetes, chf and pulmonary firbrosis

    Hi Gypsymum2, I'm not sure what is causing it. There is crackling in the lungs which the water tablets haven't cured, and some fibrosis in the lungs. I will definitely ask the vet about physio, that hadn't occurred to me. Many thanks for the suggestion :) Lurcherman, being a big softy when...
  4. Yvonne57

    Border terrier with diabetes, chf and pulmonary firbrosis

    Thanks again, and I will post an update after this week's visit to the vet. I'm so sorry to hear you lost your brindle...we lost our brindle 3 years ago in February and there is still a big lurcher shaped hole in our lives. He was also ex-rescue but had a wonderful life until the last few days...
  5. Yvonne57

    Border terrier with diabetes, chf and pulmonary firbrosis

    Thanks JoanneF, that is a good idea, and I'll check with the vet about the diabetes first. I am back with the vet later this week again. I sometimes think I should just set up a camp bed there! Yvonne
  6. Yvonne57

    Border terrier with diabetes, chf and pulmonary firbrosis

    Thank you Lurcherman. Yes, it has occurred to both the vet and me, but we don't think she's quite there yet. In herself she seems so happy still, it's just this darned cough which the vet says will be making her uncomfortable but not in pain. As soon as it turns into pain or her breathing...
  7. Yvonne57

    Border terrier with diabetes, chf and pulmonary firbrosis

    Hallo, my name is Yvonne and I have just joined the forum as I'm posting about my Border Terrier, Betsy, who is on a lot of medication for a lot of problems! I think she's about 15 but I bought her as ex-rescue about 9 years ago and they may have got her approximate age wrong. I took her to the...