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  1. M

    Caged lurcher

    Oh that's lovely to hear and thank you for the advice! She seems to be settling in a bit (she's found a friend in our other Lurcher who's teaching her the way lol) she's still jumpy though!
  2. M

    Caged lurcher

    Thank you for your kind words and support! I was nervous posting but thought the welfare of the poor girl should come first! I'm more than likely going to take her back to the vet for more extensive testing however for now I feel it's important for her to settle a bit first
  3. M

    Caged lurcher

    She hasn't been around children and I don't leave my 2 year old around any dog alone as you just never know what will happen! She tends to avoid him as well. So determined to make sure she's happy! Have a feeling she will be going to the vets quite a bit in these first few months just for...
  4. M

    Caged lurcher

    I have had a week of nearly full attention on her. First day she wouldn't come near us but my husband went to work the next day and I just sat with her. I wasn't going to get another dog but my heart felt for her!
  5. M

    Caged lurcher

    She is very twitchy in new situations so it's very much taking it at her pace. We have a crate but try not to have her in it. We only have it if she wants to have a bit of time out from our 2 year old and other dogs. Otherwise she sits with us on the sofa with the rest of the family. Trying to...
  6. M

    Caged lurcher

    Hi I recently rescued a Lurcher from spending all her life in a cage with very little food or care. She is about 6 years old. We have had her for about a week and when we got her she was very matted (she is long haired) so we had to shave her, very thin although she is gaining weight slowly and...