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  1. L

    Dog barking at vets

    It's hard to pinpoint what it is. I used to think it was the other animals that he didn't like but we recently got a female puppy and he's fine around her, happily plays with her and appears very relaxed. I don't know if it's because the puppy is female so he feels no threat from her or...
  2. L

    Dog barking at vets

    It's that time of year again where my dog is due his booster. He hates the vets and barks non stop when we get there. My husband usually ends up standing outside with him until we're called in. Not sure if it's the vet's itself he doesn't like or just because there's other dogs there. Anyone...
  3. L

    Dog off lead attacked my dog

    I was walking my jack Russell today when he was attacked by a St. Bernard who was off the lead. The St. Bernard was being walked by a teenager and a kid, had no collar on and as soon as it saw my jack Russell it ran across the road in front of a car and tried to bite my dog. My dog had been...
  4. L

    Dog being needy and peeing in crate

    We've had out JRT for nearly 6 months now and he was great at the start. He was already house trained so we never had that issue and we trained him to get used to a crate. The crate we have for him is the largest one we could get so he has plenty of room for his blankets, water, toys etc. For...
  5. L

    Jack russell anal gland leaking

    Hi, our Jack Russell keeps having anal gland leakages usually every other day. Just wondering if we need to take him to the vet or is this normal?
  6. L

    Aggression towards other dogs

    Have a JRT who is quiet and well behaved in the house. However my partner took him to another house for the first time where he was meeting new people and where there was 2 dogs. My partner said that our JRT was trying to bite the other dogs as well as growling and barking at them. One of the...
  7. L

    Dog urinating in house after neutering

    Well we have an appointment with the vet tomorrow so I'll maybe be able to get a urine sample to them tomorrow. Yea his crate is an extra large one as he is in it when we are out and we wanted him to have as much room as possible. Both nights that he has whined and urinated he's been standing at...
  8. L

    Dog urinating in house after neutering

    Hi, we got our JRT neutered last week and he seems to be getting back to his usual happy self. The only thing that is happening is he keeps peeing in the house, not all the time, it seems to be at 4 - 5 in the morning I hear him whine, when I go into him to bring him out he pees in his crate...
  9. L

    Dog cold after neutering

    Yea his paws and ears were still a bit cold this morning but he is fine now. Just coughing a bit but I'm hoping this is just from possibly having a tube in his throat?
  10. L

    Dog cold after neutering

    Hi, we had our dog neutered today and we've noticed tonight that his ears and paws are very cold. Have checked his gums and they look normal but did notice his nose is dry. Should we be concerned or is this just from after getting neutered?
  11. L

    Getting dog neutered

    Yea he is cocking his leg when he pees and appears to be confident enough. He is starting to lunge at other dogs when we are out and wants to chase some. The vet recommended we get him neutered because he is starting to mature and we don't want him to become aggressive. That's good then , I...
  12. L

    Getting dog neutered

    Hi, we have a JRT who is 1 and a half. We want to get him neutered and I was just wanting some general advice such as how long will it take? Will he need to stay overnight at the vets? Will he need someone around for a few days after? I'm hoping if I get him booked for a Friday then I'll be...
  13. L

    New dog - crying/barking when alone

    He is definitely settling in and must be getting used to our routines. He has stopped whimpering at night when we leave him. I had read online to hold his lead with two hands and gently tug and call his name when he pulls/misbehaves and it has certainly worked. He still gets excited and...
  14. L

    New dog - crying/barking when alone

    He is a Jack Russell and is 1 and a half. From posting my question on Monday there has already been a change in his behaviour at night. He still whines for about 15 minutes when we go to bed and then he quietens down. We do walk him before we go to work and as soon as we get back in plus he...
  15. L

    New dog - crying/barking when alone

    Hi, my partner and I just got a dog from the pound at the weekend. He seemed like the quietest little dog in the pound and that's why we decided to take him. However when we leave him in a room by himself (regardless of the length of time) he starts to whimper and eventually starts to bark and...