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  1. C

    How long do seasons last?!

    I can only go from what I have been told and that is that they can last up to a month.
  2. C

    Essex dog trainer

    Ok I understand training must be tailored to the individual dogs needs but what I trying to understand is it the whole dominance and pack theory plays a role in your training sessions
  3. C

    Essex dog trainer

    Haven't heard of your company before. Is it positive reward based or other?
  4. C

    Puppy, youngster or older dog?

    Thank you, such a beautiful piece of writing. Appreciate this so much thank you :) xx
  5. C

    Puppy, youngster or older dog?

    Raven you wont ever know what your post here means to me, i cannot thank you enough. I miss Buster every day, but know we did what he needed us to do, though i have had dark days and days where i have thought i couldnt be without him. Willow sounds like a right little madam but so much fun...
  6. C

    Puppy, youngster or older dog?

    I got Marley at 13 months from rescue, he was hard work but is amazing. He lived with our other neutered male until he passed dec last year. He isnt dominant i wouldnt say, he can get on lovely with many dogs, his hackles go up on walks out of slight anxiety, this never used to happen when he...
  7. C

    Puppy, youngster or older dog?

    Since losing one of our dogs last year we have one 2 year old crossbreed (collie/kelpie cross) and we want to look at rehoming another dog, now we dont know whether to go for a puppy around 10 weeks old, a slightly older one around the age of 9-18 months or an older dog around the same age as...
  8. C

    Sensitive issue, need advice

    Havent been online since my last post update on here. Thank you for your comments. Still have days struggling but know thats normal, i had a few very dark days where all i wanted was to be with him so its not been easy. It has been hard seeing my remaining dog struggle like he is with continuing...
  9. C

    Help needed...issue between dog and child...

    Yeah thats whatwe are doing :) seem to have figured he will only snap if 8 year old reaches towards him as thinks he is going to be hurt, so making sure he doesnt do it.
  10. C

    Help needed...issue between dog and child...

    Want things to be ok again, as it was jist over a week ago, he is such a wonderful dog so i know its not him normally that if doing this. Think he may have slipped on the frost/ice when out with my husband so he may have bruised his side...poor lad :(
  11. C

    Help needed...issue between dog and child...

    Thank you very much for your input, really appreciate it. Went to vets and she examined his feet, was then stroking him in general, he was on the table, he turned and curled his lip at her, then was scared when she came near him so would snap and try to bite. There hasnt been a warning growl...
  12. C

    Help needed...issue between dog and child...

    My 2 year old rescue dog has suffered frost burn, happened last week on Monday. We have had him nearly a year now and he is amazing in every way...but tuesday my partners son who is 8 was sitting on the floor right in front oh my dog and i think he touched his sore feet as my dog lunged at him...
  13. C

    Sensitive issue, need advice

    Just to update you all, we lost our lovely boy 10th december in the evening. We were with him until the end and now have his ashes home with us. Thank you for the time you took to reply to my post and talk to me, i appreciate it all. We are struggling as we knew we would.
  14. C

    Sensitive issue, need advice

    Thank you, means a lot x
  15. C

    Sensitive issue, need advice

    Vets and me have spoken, infection and blood trace in urine have cleared, so that's good but also not as means its not those that are causing this behaviour. Heartbroken and coming to terms with it all and processing where we go from here.
  16. C

    Sensitive issue, need advice

    New sample dropped into the vets today so now awaiting to hear from vets that she has tested it and where we go from here. Vets have been amazing and really supportive so couldn't have asked for more from them at all. I in no way forced him to go outside for his walk which I mentioned above...
  17. C

    Can dogs go crazy just like humans?

    I would say yes
  18. C

    Sensitive issue, need advice

    Thank you for your comments. Just wanted to update, we did vet consultation, I say we, I went on my own so as not to stress him further. We did a pot for urine sample, which I returned and it showed a slight urine infection and also blood in his urine, so he is on some antibiotics and also...
  19. C

    Sensitive issue, need advice

    Thank you both for your replies. The behaviourist we saw was very knowledgeable with collies and also the DDA watch, so I trusted them more than any of the others we ever had meetings and help from. He is not able to go to rescue, I have been told that by more than one source. I would not feel...
  20. C

    Sensitive issue, need advice

    Thank you. I am sorry for your loss of your dog a couple of years ago. He has taught me so much in the time we have been together, he is my own first dog I have had and I know he has been a massive handful, but so amazing and I truly believe he came to me for a reason, a friend said if he had...