Bloody hell are they 6 already!!. I remember Ronnie as a baby. Mind you our Marley will be a veteran in March 2015, where does the time go.
Dave and the Markamy's
Couldn't watch it, i knew it would make my blood boil as well. Thick, stupid cowardly people who hide behind their dogs, who shouldn't be allowed to own dogs or be allowed out themselves in the public. :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
Hi all, just to let you know that Honeyhills will be running the next two Sundays 3rd and 10th August. If you are not running at one of champs on those weekends please consider coming to run with us down here in sunny Kent.
I will be handing out entry forms for our Autumn open on the 21st...
Just heard that it is the correct grouping, real interesting group, we won't ever have raced against a lot of these dogs before, especially the 24lbers, not even at club meetings.
Looking forward to it, we always enjoy the West Cornwall Open :thumbsup: .
I do love bend racing, I know it's a dying part of whippet racing but it is such an exciting spectacle, with people cheering theirs and other dogs home. As our main trapper it's great to be able to see the whole race. It also gives dogs who don't win on a straight a chance to show that they...
Thanks to the Nationals and the Northern for an excellent days racing. There was a really great atmosphere throughout the whole day. It was great to see some of Freddies brothers from Scotland and the sight of Jane Rankin in a pink onesie is a memory i'll cherish forever (w00t) . It was a...
Hi just bumping this up, don't forget closing dated is Fiday 02/05/14. Everyone welcome. Draw will be done Sunday at the club just before racing begins.
Never really knew Alf, only of his reputation and the service he gave to Whippet Racing. Even to this day we still are reaping the rewards of all his hard work at Maidstone (now Honeyhills). Our condolences to his family.
Dave, Sandra and the Markamy's.
Hiya, Freddie's much better, thank God, just started running him again. We got the swabs just before he was unwell, and was going to get Garry to do them at East Anglia and then Bentley got injured so we had no one to run, so stayed at home. I'll see if i can get June, Harvels club secretary to...
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