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  1. J

    Fear imprint stage?

    That's a very helpful post. Thanks for taking the time to give some good advice! Like i said above though. I know not to force her into going to people and i haven't done that. What i don't want is her pulling to the end of the lead in a panic because someone got a little too close. I took her...
  2. J

    Fear imprint stage?

    Yes people wanting to pet them right away is the problem. I can't blame them really, look how cute they are. :D I take them to work with me and they stay in my office above the shop. Yesterday and today i've been letting them come down with me when a customer comes in. They can't get around...
  3. J

    Fear imprint stage?

    Hey Rocky They were gotten at 8 weeks old from pets4homes website. Like i say they met loads of people that i had come to my house when they younger and they see people and dogs every day when they go out for their walks. I spent every day teaching them sit, stay, leave it, walking to heel etc...
  4. J

    Fear imprint stage?

    Hi Thanks for the reply! I guess a few weeks somewhere like a doggy school could be good for them. It will help them with people and meeting new dogs. Kills two birds with one stone eh? ;)
  5. J

    Fear imprint stage?

    Hi I've got two 10 month old lab/retriever cross and they are just great dogs. They have trained up really well. They walk great on the lead and do everything that is asked of them. I got them at 2 month old and worked really hard on getting them house trained which they are now and getting...