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  1. M

    Staffie Cross with Growth on gum

    Its gone. On the Friday before he went to the vet I thought to myself because the lump is green and he had really bad breath I wondered if it could be gangrene. Any way when I came home from work I noticed that the side of his mouth did not look swollen and the smell had gone.So I had a look...
  2. M

    Staffie Cross with Growth on gum

    doesn't seem to be bothering him. He is going back in on monday so they can see if he is strong enough to stand being put under while they remove it.
  3. M

    Staffie Cross with Growth on gum

    It's hard like bone. The vet was very young so I may get a second opinion. She said he would need a general anaesthetic to remove it but I don't think he would survive that.
  4. M

    Staffie Cross with Growth on gum

    Thanks for your reply it certainly looks like its on the gum.
  5. M

    Staffie Cross with Growth on gum

    My dog is a 16 year old cross staffie. i noticed that the side of his mouth looked swollen, upon looking at his teeth there is greenish/grey rough looking lump between two of his teeth about the size of a peanut. I thought it was a bit of old food but it is hard to the touch. took him to the...