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  1. C

    A Few More Pics

  2. C


    Same here, i am very careful where i take them, can't get them to my permission at the moment which is a bit of a drag as there are no other dog walkers which is usually the main problem at where i am taking them at the moment, if there are no deer in sight and no other dogs then they come off...
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    Well while out with my three lurchers the other day they disappeared into the distance, in fact out of sight. Up till now i haven't had much of a problem with their recall, the two brothers who are just over a year had been fine, although my little bitch who is coming up to 3 yrs and is a rescue...
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    A Few Pics Of The Mutts[/img]]My Webpage://]]My Webpage[/img]]My Webpage://]]My Webpage...
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    Lurcher Pup Wanted

    amazing, rang the lady next day as the other half was reconsidering taking one of the mutts off her and she had taken them both to a local rescue :( so still looking for something localish along the lines of a whippet x if any one could help, thanks for the replies and messages so far folks
  6. C

    Needing Home

    is it still available, this could be what my other half is looking for any contact details
  7. C

    Lurcher Pup Wanted

    cheers for that, we viewed two brothers last night, but the lady really wants them to go together which i can understand, what cracking dogs they were. What the other half wants is really a whippet x beddy as the ones we saw last night were rather large i'd say greyhound with a touch of...
  8. C

    Lurcher Pup Wanted

    Hi looking for the above on behalf of my other half, been looking for a few months now but with no joy. she can offer a good loving home so please drop us a line if any are available as close to essex or surrounding areas....
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    Home For Lurchers Needed

    where abouts are you, can you also post some pics
  10. C

    Harness to control difficult dogs

    I can see it now some do gooder calling the plod and a helicopter and firearms unit turning up and finding someone shooting a water pistol at a dog :blink: :blink: :blink: wonder what the national headlines would be lets have some, who can come up with a corker....
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    What's This?

    cheers :cheers: just got worried as i only made about 4 posts including the question...
  12. C

    What's This?

    what's this warn 0% i see on my posts? no one else seems to have it.... :(
  13. C

    Neospara in Raw Beef Mince?

    cheers for that, i knew i had seen it somewhere and i thought it was the pedigree whippet site but they pointed me to K9. I had seen a post on another site about someone who had fed raw beef mince to their dog and mentioned the incident i had read, they basically said it was a load of crap so i...
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    Neospara in Raw Beef Mince?

    Thanks guy's hope looks like i've opened a can of worms
  15. C

    Neospara in Raw Beef Mince?

    i recall someone posting a thread regarding their dog accidently eating some mince meat they had purchased for a family meal and accidently dropped some on the floor uncooked. the dog became very ill not too sure if they died either. The meat had a bug which would have been eliminated once...