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  1. M

    Asthmatic Whippet?

    well he's had his antibiotics and he is much much better and all the symptoms are gone i think. went back to vets tonight for checkup and all seems well. hope the others here that have had the problem are doing well. judging by the comments it looks as though we may not have seen the last of...
  2. M

    Asthmatic Whippet?

    Been to vets. Not kennel cough. The vet asked where i walked the dog mostly, and when i told him, he nodded and said there had been four other dogs that were walked at the same beach in with the same problem. Its a throat thing, and hes given us a weeks antibiotics, then we have to go back next...
  3. M

    Asthmatic Whippet?

    thanks to all who replied. this last reply seems very similar to what we are going through. He had the backward sneezing thing a while back and the vet gave him a steroid injection which helped clear it up. It has also been happening again in the last few days as i said earlier. We'll be at the...
  4. M

    Asthmatic Whippet?

    Just searched kennel cough, and the symptoms seem to match exactly what fletch has been doing. And i forgot to mention that when he is relaxed it doesnt happen, but when he becomes excited or when we get up first thing in the morning and he sees us he get an attack. Does anyone have experience...
  5. M

    Asthmatic Whippet?

    Do whippets get asthma? The last couple of days, mine has been having what seemed like choking attacks, but nothing comes up. And then he has been having sort of snorting attacks as well. His stands up and his chest heaves and he snorts constantly for about thirty seconds, then it eases. He...
  6. M

    Looking For Blue Stud Dog

    Kirsten, i apologise, of course he is. Stupid of me to forget, but you know how it is with names etc. He is doing fine thankyou. Full of beans still, running like the wind, and wanting to play with every dog he sees. Hows Twiggy?
  7. M

    9 Week Old Puppy Dog For Sale

    Thats excellent news. So glad to hear you found a suitable home for him. He really is a lovely looking dog.
  8. M

    Looking For Blue Stud Dog

    I dont mind your comments at all JAX, im after information, and any information is welcome, especially as im not a breeder or experienced dog person. He's just a pet, and if he wasnt suited to breeding i wouldnt breed him. I just thought it was his right to reproduce, or at least have a bash at...
  9. M

    Looking For Blue Stud Dog

    ive got blue boy. he's only 14months old. As a novice in this area, and purely a pet owner and not a breeder or racer, ive no idea how old he should be to begin breeding. Any tips would be nice.
  10. M

    Swollen Nose

    just an update in case similar things happen to others here. The vet has given him a steroid injection. he asked if we were using anything new in the house such as shake n vac or anything (we arnt). Also asked if it happened only in the house (it did as far as we know). He seems to think it...
  11. M

    Swollen Nose

    This hyperventilating thing has happened again during the night so im taking him to the vets this morning. Quite worrying really. His eyes have swollen and theres soft swellings on his nose again. They seem to go up and down. Nothings changed in the house except some flowers that were brought...
  12. M

    Swollen Nose

    Thanks for the tips, very much appreciated. The swelling went down today, and we thought all was normal, until about half an hour ago, when he woke the house with what seemed like continual half-sneezes. Not a full sneeze, just what seemed like half a sneeze, as if he was trying to blow his...
  13. M

    Swollen Nose

    Hallo, just wondering if anyone here can help. My young whippet Fletch has a slightly swollen nose, just above his nostrils (on the fur, not the leathery nostril bits). Im wondering whether hes been stung or perhaps its an allergic reaction to something. It doesnt seem to be bothering him at all...
  14. M

    When Do Male Pups Need To Breed?

    how old are dogs usually when they start to feel the need to, well you know, copulate?
  15. M


    ok thanks.
  16. M


    thanks for the help here. hope to get up there soon. mark
  17. M

    Tyneside Racing

    ok thanks Mark
  18. M

    Tyneside Racing

    Hallo, just after a bit of info here. Would love to bring my young whippet pup to see some racing in the Tyneside area. Are there any dates over the next few days? or when can i get to see any racing in future. many thanks, markE
  19. M

    Spot The Difference

    He really is lush. keep posting the pictures. We love him here. Still have a hankering for a B&W.
  20. M


    Hallo, just after a bit of info here. Would love to bring my young whippet pup to see some racing in the Tyneside area. Are there any dates over the next few days? or when can i get to see any racing in future. many thanks, markE