i have been looking at and for the right whippet type for me for a good bit now to have as a second dog, i did not wont a dog out of some think that has just been bred for showing or by some one just trying to make money from just OK dogs that have never seen any think, non ped racers are good...
Goodday i will like
to have a communication
with you so we can know each other better
here is my email (vera_awaza@yahoo.com)
i will send you my picture
when i receive your reply
waiting to hear from you
i admit that i have never had to use a prong collar my self on any mastiff or bull breed that i have owned and trained my self in the past, as all of my training starts as soon as it comes in to my home from a pup, but there are older dogs that do need this type of collar in there training it is...
my work is some of the best leather work man ship around so dont get slagging it off and saying that its evil if you dont even now wot type of collar that you are looking for to put on a whippet. that collar has got a job to do on dogs that need it and by people that know how and when to use it...
not the prong collar that is for training mastiffs and big bull breeds that need a swift sharp shock before they turn evil, why would i put that on a whippet ? the 2" cut collar
i would not put a harness on a whippet type, my self i put a good strong leather collar and lead on for road work and train your dog not to pull.
i have just started to make some whippet type collars this is my are site, have a look on the working dog collar page...
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