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  1. S


    I am pleased with Artemis food and does not plan to replace it yet. In Estonia, where we also have pet foods can be ordered by internet, in Europe it is also possible to do it, but it is too costly for us. We are familiar with your shop. He ordered a high-quality food in America. We have...
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    Our dogs love to both, the grapes as raisins. After that, they are not ill. I think that there is no need to be very concerned. Watch your dog and give him a drink.
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    Whippets Lotta And Kessu

    A friend asked me if I get her dogs knitted sweaters with legged. Now they are ready for them and they posing our Kessu Now I knitted one sweater for italian greyhound I found some pics , wher Kessu two month old. Author pics my friend Vilma Jürgens And shes first standing
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    Whippets Lotta And Kessu

    One question? I have reviewed your pictures, and many have more than two dogs. I also would like to see more whippetit to one or two, but the man disagrees. How do I get a man to accept another dog. My dream is to once time become in my family one of the Silken windhound
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    Yes, its same rating, but to my dogs, Artemis is better then Orijen. My dogs have eaten Orijeni a number of occasions, but it caused a younger dog allergies. Too high a protein. Estonia does not have many dog foods available, so the choice is very limited. In order to give your dog the best...
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    Us dogs eatind only this food its better then Orijen.
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    Whippets Lotta And Kessu

    We have a lot of snow. Lotta don´t love snow and could, but Kessu love jumping and running in snow. But both love winter and snow, when temperature is - 10C or less. If wether colder, both love snow exactly five minits. One week we have -32C, then dogs going out only as long as necessary.
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    Whippets Lotta And Kessu

    Hodiernal topic: Whippets in snow
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    Whippets Lotta And Kessu

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    Whippets Lotta And Kessu

    We going at the dogshow. Kessu is EX/1 and SERT Phothos at the show, judge was Annette Bystrup in Denmark
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    Whippets Lotta And Kessu

    We have a new hobby, Estonias wildhogs Tv in this page, you must click in green word Direct stream Both my dogs love this camera watch.
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    My Little Star

    Little whippet- its most beatiful thing in the all world. Your dog is very awsom
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    Whippets Lotta And Kessu

    Whipiii. In this site, Lotta and Kessu theme seeing 1,400 people. It´s a very huge number. Yesterday was Christmas night, Lotta and Kessu were in country, we have a lot of snow. Lotta love sleep in the warm room, in comfortable bed and under cover of quilt, but Kessu like run in to the snow...
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    Whippets Lotta And Kessu

    Hellou This is my dogs new homepage And this we to :Kessu and Lotta And some pics for they Kessu in dogs vogue show, cardigan may´d by my self Lotta and Kessu together Lotta Kessu
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    Whippets Lotta And Kessu

    Kessu and Elly Thanks for Laura at photos
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    Bigger Puppies, Puppies, Puppies

    WOW! That blue girl is amazing. Saddely I live so far away. Otherwise, I would be very interested in this pretty girl. Big kiss for puppys anda for mum. Lotta and Kessu
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    Whippets Lotta And Kessu

    I promis that It´s new photos in this K9 forum gallery
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    Whippets Lotta And Kessu

    So, it´s many time ago, if I last time was visited this site. Sorry :b Some photos at this summer Waterwhippets Just fly More photos you see in us homepages by Album
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    Whippets Lotta And Kessu

    One day we decided to teach Kessu fly. How do we go, you can see the pictures Lotta just look, what tricks she´s sister make
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    Whippets Lotta And Kessu

    Playful dog Lotta Young Lotta Lotta in winter Kessu, just pretty