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  1. H

    Sad News

    so sorry we have closed devon & somerset club, but there are several reasons for it, one, the drug takers beeing allow to run in the main organations is not one of them as they would still not be allowed to run in devon & somersets opens. 2 me & mick travelled to the agm & it was such a fiasco...
  2. H

    Thank You

    Iwould like to thank every one in the whippet world for there kind thoughts & cards which i have recieved since my darling Joyce died sundenly, she had so been looking forward to getting back to travelling to opens this year & allthough it will be hard i intend to go to the tracks we planed to...
  3. H

    Devon Wrc

    we are now racing & trialling Sunday mornings 10-30 am weather permiting.check with joyce & vern before travelling 01884257451.All welcome, peds, lurchers ect Devon opens JUNE17th--25th bookings now being taken for caravans. fee for the ten days is £50 for those booking & paying by the end of...
  4. H

    Bwra Straight Champs 2006

    from devon w r c devon club have offered the bwra the use of the devon track for the aug bank holiday 2006 championships if they dont find enywhere else suitable
  5. H

    devon june opens

    there are some places left on the field at the moment, would anyone that has booked but has not payed please forward cheque to lesley so we know how many places are free. we would appreciate payment by the begining of may. fee £46-00. Lesleys new adress Lesley Hinson, The Log Cabin, 2 Eden...
  6. H


    David & Susan Hudson would be obliged if the current holder of the Rockola Trophy Supreme Dog Trophy for the Supreme Dog for the NWRF CHAMPIONSHIPS cold return it to the NEW FED COMMITTEE ON TIME PLEASE.
  7. H

    NWRF at devon

    Having spoken to Tony Cooper recently, i would like to let everyone know that Devon & Somerset Racing Club are now pleased to say that the FED are now coming back to devon, their meeting will be on Sunday the 13th June which should make a fitting clymax to our annual event. Thee calander should...