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  1. M

    Dog vomiting white foam, looking for advice

    thanks Fingers crossed they get to the bottom of it and can help her
  2. M

    Dog vomiting white foam, looking for advice

    Hope you find a solution, my dog had 3 different diagnosis before his true condition was confirmed,even then they were not totally sure
  3. M

    Dog vomiting white foam, looking for advice

    If your vet hasnt done it , get him to check for excess fluid on the lungs,my last dog had similar symptoms.
  4. M

    gabapentin for vet visit ....

    He was never keen on Vets and got worse every time he went as he got older,started when he was castrated as a pup and the vet hurt him as he took the stiches out.In the end he had to be examined outside but even that was difficult. He had to be sedated prior to being put to sleep,awful for him...
  5. M

    gabapentin for vet visit ....

    When my last dog was very poorly, he had to be sedated for a few a vet appoinments,used tramadol but still didnt kick in properly for a couple of hours and he was as bad as normal at the vets,crashed out as soon as we got home , took a day for him to get back to normal.Think the sheer terror...
  6. M


    Not really helpful but my rescue Vinny growls at a painting of a tiger on the wall of my bedroom when the light is off.
  7. M


    Read somewhere that musicians are getting concerned about AI,s ability to produce music of better quality than that being churned out (not saying much)
  8. M

    Senior dog- is this the beginning of the end?

    From past experience, Vets do not always go beyond the basic tests to find the true cause of a dogs illness, I had 4 different diagnosis on my last dog before he was sadly put to sleep. Just out of interest,what breed of dog is yours, 12 can be old for some breeds, others can live to 15 and...
  9. M


    Sorry nothing to do with doggies, just my rambles Often wondered about the true nature of our existence, is anything actually real, we think it is but we rely on the information fed by body sensors to our brains but we dont know if that information is real and an accurate reflection of the world...
  10. M

    Your favourite dog breed?

    perhaps cats know i am a dog person
  11. M

    Your favourite dog breed?

    I am like that with cats, too independant to really take to, Dogs really have the knack of worming their way into your heart, bit sneaky really , they get everything they want in return, walks, playtimes, food and cuddles.
  12. M

    Rest in Peace, Jimmy. My Beautiful Boy, My Best Friend

    The wife thing was a little unsetttling,wasnt a goodbye but she was telling me to go with her as there was nothing here for me,hope it was just a grief reaction, try to carry on without her, not easy as my fav dog passed last year which broke my heart again but the new lurcher keeps me going.
  13. M

    Your favourite dog breed?

    My lurcher can be hard work,he has a mind of his own and doesnt do tricks just for my entertainment, he can be naughty but I know he hasnt got a bad bone in his body. Think you have accept most rescue dogs are bound to have problems,mine was was passed from foster home to foster home before I...
  14. M

    Rest in Peace, Jimmy. My Beautiful Boy, My Best Friend

    I am a true believer that dogs like all animals have souls and the body is just there for the soul to reside in. When an animal passes, the body has no function ,but the soul lives on in some form, maybe searching to give the owner a final fairwell and to tell them everything is ok before moving...
  15. M

    Senior dog- is this the beginning of the end?

    Pain was my first thought as well,usually sociable dogs will hide away and can be grumpy or snappy when they are in pain, I would try to rule that in or out first,they do tend to hide away if they are suffering from headaches as well.
  16. M

    Your favourite dog breed?

    My own favourite, just by having the privilige of owning one would be a GS Deerhound X,unusual mix but together it brought out the very best in both breeds.Since he passed I am trying to get my head round the rescue lurcher thing I took on,no idea now his brain works, i dont think he does but...
  17. M


    I did consider getting a friend for him but hes quite happy doing his own thing at home, he is a bit confused about other dogs, doesnt know whether to lunge at them or try and get them to play with them,would help if he could come off lead now and then, the two times I have tried it he has shot...
  18. M


    Spent most of yesterday filling holes in, he spent most of the day making new ones,got to love him though
  19. M


    My rescue dog Vinny enjoying life and being totally daft,He is the one I had a pond problem with, happy to report that he never goes near the pond now, hes found out that digging holes in my lawn is much more fun.
  20. M

    Lurcher breeders

    This is my rescue lurcher,not sure what his mix is but he is lovely dog, had a bad start in life and still has a few issues with other dogs but is so affectionate to all humans.