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  1. Nikki Dean

    A Big Hello

    Here are some more x
  2. Nikki Dean

    13 Year Old Jack Russell with sensitive tummy

    Brilliant. Thank you x
  3. Nikki Dean

    A Big Hello

    Think I have worked it out hun. Here are my beauties
  4. Nikki Dean

    Stained tears on a Jack Russell

    Thank you. I shall try this
  5. Nikki Dean

    13 Year Old Jack Russell with sensitive tummy

    Thank you for your reply. I did read somewhere about Chappie but was unsure. Which biscuits would you put with it if any? I was also considering Butchers (gentle) from Pet at Home. Have you any experience with this one?
  6. Nikki Dean

    A Big Hello

    Newbie here, I am the mum of two wonderful Jack Russells Toby who is 13 years and Lola who is 10 Years. Never considered joining a forum before as I'm not really tech savvy but thought I'd give it a try.
  7. Nikki Dean

    Stained tears on a Jack Russell

    Good morning all I have a 10 year old Jack named Lola. She has tears all the time that stain her white coat. We have taken her to the vet to have them checked. They checked her tear ducts and they were ok so we tried giving her antihistamines in case she had an allergy to something. It didn't...
  8. Nikki Dean


  9. Nikki Dean

    13 Year Old Jack Russell with sensitive tummy

    Hello all, newbie here. I have just had to take our boy to the vets as he has been poorly. They diagnosed him as having colitis. We had noticed him being picky with his food. He is on kibble from Tails. We had to start adding water to it to soften. He then just started refusing to eat so we...