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  1. J

    Help Please

    Hi Both thanks for your help but its not what i mean . Like this post i am doing now its added onto the last post how do i add to a post without it happening.
  2. J

    Help Please

    New to pc so abit thick lol. How do i send a post without adding to anybody elses.
  3. J

    Paul O Grady

    Get well soon Buster. xx
  4. J

    Jan Fennell Talk

    Remember watching Jan on the telly and she was on about recall she said if you are in a park and your dog wont come just get in your car and drive away then come back in a while. Sorry i could never use this method.
  5. J

    Another Rottie Pts

    It only takes a moment for an incident to happen and the fault has to lie with the responsible adult. So true Jenny
  6. J

    Another Rottie Pts

    Thanks for your reply i would have done the same if iwas you re neighboure poor dog everytime.
  7. J

    Staffy Killed

    What makes these people tick how very sick.
  8. J

    Another Rottie Pts,,30000-1235212,00.html Sorry but why arnt these children being kept safe you have just got to blame humans not the dogs.