We got our first motorhome 18 yrs ago ...
A hymer b694 ...7.7metres long...it was a lovely comfortable vehicle ...
After 3 years sold the hymer and bought a caravan so we could travel around in our car ....we found we didnt use it much so after 2 years sold it and had our holidays in cottages...
I was pleased to see on our local RSPCA homing website that they are now holding off of neutering large male dogs until they are at least 2 years old ....then the adoptees can take the dog back to them to be neutered at no extra charge ..they charge £180 for adoption which I think is so cheap...
I took Tom my Jack Russell who was diagnosed with heart failure last February to the vets yesterday lunchtime as he was having fainting episodes...came around usually after 30 seconds....happily walked into the vets had a play with a pup ....had a fuss made of him whilst waiting to be seen...
Sid one of our Jack Russell's made his way to rainbow bridge today
In August he had a dental with 14 teeth removed and a mass which the vet thought was due to infection.but said it could be cancerous we would know if it returned..3 weeks ago he became lethargic and wasn't himself...sid has never...
Attitudes have changed regarding neutering and after always having mostly rescue dogs that came neutered or with a neutering agreement i am wondering about Sykes future. .he definitely wont be neutered before 2 yrs and then i think i will see how his temperament is ....
Murphy was a bull lurcher...
We made the decision to get another big dog ....after looking for hours we have reserved a 3/4 deerhound 1/4 english deerhound from dave platt lines ....after always having longdogs /lurchers our house doesnt feel like a home ....
We collect him next Saturday he will be 10,weeks old ....
We have always wanted a whippet pup ....
We were going to wait until the oldies had gone and then Toms heart diagnosis has made us think ....we have been offered choice of two whippet girls both fawn blue brindles ....
Toms meds have been working and both him amd sid love puppies ...do we go for...
After losing Murphy in October and Tilly in December our last lurcher flew over rainbow bridge today ...
We adopted him 12 years ago from LSOS. ....he had lost the use of his back legs yesterday and could hardly move ...it all happened so quickly ...he was 15 ....
The house feels empty without...
After thinking Tiny Tom had kennel cough it turns out after a heart scan he is in heart failure. ..he is on 3 meds a day which will hopefully give him one year of good quality of life. ..seems so unfair as he is only 9 :(
Since the weather has been changing one minute cold one warm we have had wasps in the lawn ...Tom must have sniffed one and got stung gave him a piriton but it took 24 hours for his face to return back to normal
Tilly has muscle wastage...she was getting weaker and had a couple of collapsing episodes...Christmas day she didn't greet everyone like she used to ...
She had a short walk this morning which she seemed to enjoy
..came home and had cooked turkey as she had gone off raw food ...
We knew she had...
Yesterday Murphy went over the bridge....after a misdiagnosis of dementia we were told he had had a stroke which had left him blind ....for 3 months he coped very well but the past few weeks he had had a cluster of small strokes each taking a piece of him away ....early hours of yesterday...
Murphy was diagnosed with dog dementia. ..he had all the classic symptoms. ...for 12 weeks we have debated if it was a quality of life for him ...then he started to brighten up but i noticed it appeared he couldn't see ....he has SARDS ...in the first few months the symptoms present similar to...
We have had 5 dogs sometimes 6 when fostering for 11 years now ....our three lurchers are all older and seemed to have aged really quickly ...somehow watching lurchers age is harder than other types as they are such athletic dogs to watch them now sometimes breaks my heart ...the days when i...
Would be so interesting. ...
We have a tropical fish tank ....we got the tank last year ..its something we always wanted ...we have 18 neon tetras and 9 small catfish ...we were told we could have had 60 fish but we wanted them to be able to swim freely and have space ...
We decided to buy 4...
Tilly is a lurcher and 12 yrs old in November. ..she is in good health apart from a little muscle wasteage in her hind legs and a fatty lump on her side ...we noticed it about 4 years ago ..it was the size of a large pea ...in the past year it has trebled in size its about 1"x 1.5 " it doesnt...
Lately i have noticed alot of intact dogs .... (i dont go specifically looking :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:)
We have always neutered (except our old family dogs when i was growing up )or they are already neutered as we have always rescued apart from Tilly and she was neutered at 18 mths old...
You go into a shop and the staff arent wearing a face covering... (some are exempt and wear lanyards)
We went into our local wickes at 7am this morning and All of the staff were without face coverings
This was the same last Saturday too (we are in the middle of changing our house again...)
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