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  1. D


    She looks very sweet! :p May I ask where you actually got it from or whether you have a patern, as Dexter would love it!!!
  2. D

    Ragley Hall Nl&rc Show

    We were there! Never seen so many lurchers and whippets in one place. I was very impressed with the working terrier show on Sunday - Great little dogs in super condition! Mines a grey (blue) whippet and I wore a straw hat! :oops: Steve.
  3. D

    Feeding Advice

    Pics!! Yes I have pics but I'm not smart enough to attach them - I think the file sizes are too big? Dexter is almost one now and a dam fine looking dog. Steve.
  4. D

    Feeding Advice

    Wow!! Your pup is the spit of my Dexter!! Dexter did all the end we gave him raw steak mince, and this seemed to 'kick start' his appetite. We also crushed some dried food and mixed it in!! He's my first whippet and like you, prehaps we worry over much? Steve. :cheers:
  5. D

    Who's Interested, Lure Coursing In Glos?

    :thumbsup: I'll bring Dexter (9 month), he is getting used to traps at Independant (Jnt 7 M5) at the mo! steve. :cheers:
  6. D

    This Is My 9 Month Old Pup....

    Jeez!! Thats a proper dog. Very very nice and makes my (9month) Dexter look kinda small. Nice one. pm'd you. Steve. Ive tried to put a piccie on here and failed! Upload is greater than all sorts!!
  7. D

    Born To Hunt!

    What chance one of you fine people would allow me (a complete stranger for goodness sake) accompany you on a (legal) rabbit hunt? Not much chance I expect! :- " My whippet is 9 month so I would either leave him at home or keep him on the lead. Will buy post run beer! :cheers: Any takers -...
  8. D

    How Old?

    Walking Dexter, I was approached by a man with a very pretty whippet bitch, he asked me about little fellas pedigree, just for once I told him (generally tell strangers hes a whippet based mut), and he was keen to use him as a stud dog. Help - what do I say, he offered a puppy - that will do...
  9. D

    Morton In Marsh

    Found it - Thanks. :sweating: Not just the dogs that are quick!! Steve.
  10. D

    Morton In Marsh

    Strange post for a first post but... Where is this place, can't find it on a map or Streetmap. o:) Has anyone got directions they can post, or even better a postcode? Dexter is to young to run but we are coming anyway!! :cheers: Steve.