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  1. Ken Thomas


    the only way I could get my dog to lose weight was to feed him Hills metabolic dog food, had cut him down to about half he should eat never lost an ounce put him on metabolic and 3 weeks down to right weight and eating more food.
  2. Ken Thomas

    help with feeding my dogs please

    I have 2 jack chis 1 is 7.55 the other is 6.15 kilos, I am using barking heads golden years wet, now on the packet they say if 5 kilos 1.5 of a 300 grams pack per day for 10 kilos 1.5 to 2 packs a day, don't sound right to me don't want to overfeed them our leave them starving any one with dogs...
  3. Ken Thomas

    worried about my dog

    got today
  4. Ken Thomas

    worried about my dog

    yes always been together, centre said lots wanted to take one but not the other.
  5. Ken Thomas

    worried about my dog

    both are owner died, saw them for second time today both came to us.
  6. Ken Thomas

    worried about my dog

    don't yet but will find out
  7. Ken Thomas

    worried about my dog

  8. Ken Thomas

    worried about my dog

    one is a Jack Russell cross Chihuahua. the other I don't know what it is, seeing today.
  9. Ken Thomas

    worried about my dog

    decided to get new dog, maybe 2 looking today.
  10. Ken Thomas

    worried about my dog

    yea first morning without him, it hurts and I miss him know I did the right thing but dose not make me feel better.
  11. Ken Thomas

    Dog Refusing Food

    what are you feeding her
  12. Ken Thomas

    worried about my dog

    let him go today, hurts but think i done right, vet agreed first time he has looked peaceful for ages and think he wanted to go.
  13. Ken Thomas

    Dog Refusing Food

    where do you put her bowl, I used to put my dog bowl in a corner and he stopped eating put it in the middle of the floor and he started eating again.
  14. Ken Thomas

    worried about my dog

    yea not as bad as that if he was I would let him go, don't you wish they could talk.
  15. Ken Thomas

    worried about my dog

    Jasper is 14 years old, but he has very bad joint often limps, still has 2 walks a day (his idea not mine) but getting shorter, spends most of the day in the corner, he has red eye and Catterick's, not interested in dog food but still licks his treats, his on yumove + pain killers and gabitrone...
  16. Ken Thomas

    Managing appetite and expectations

    mine gets CBD as well
  17. Ken Thomas

    Managing appetite and expectations

    I think mine has got it to I put him on aktivate seems to help him (14 years young)
  18. Ken Thomas

    weird dog

    yea he comes in from the back and round the front of the kitchen units to see what he can find