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  1. G

    Does Anyone Recognise This Puppy?

    Aw she's adorable. I live in Lancs and drove to Devon to get my pups 2 years ago-well worth the drive! I agree they shouldn't have took it on. I just hope it goes to a nice home
  2. G


    thanks for changing the forum name, now maybe people may be able to post on a larger topic and not step on anyones toes!! i :lol:
  3. G


    whats a ferret got to do with coursing? anyone on this forum has the right to post in any topic they wish, sorry if you don't think it's relevant, however some people on here are actually nice and have given some nice advice. you see some people like to help others. :D thanks for your help
  4. G


    yeah thanks, i already have two so i wanted a jill!!! :D
  5. G


    hi, i am currently looking for a jill, and cannot get hold of one anywhere. does anyone have any suggestions? thanks :)) ps i live in the manchester area